Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

We do not yet, there has not been a shipment to come into the US. As soon as they're in here we will have them posted on our website to order.

First, are you sure you are definitely at 8" of sump depth? Check this measurement again to be on the safe side. Next, if you have to run the wedge pipe in the fully wide open position, I would look at the following....

- Stick your finger in the outlet just to be 100% sure that the wedge pipe is indeed 100% fully open. The white "T" fitting that the pipe sits in will swivel, so this can at times give the illusion that you are fully open, why it might be 40% closed.

- Pull the silencers completely apart and get the foam fill out of them. If the wedge pipe is indeed fully open and you're at 8" sump depth, then that could mean the silencers are partially blocked, restricting air flow, and increasing water flow. This could be an explanation of running at 8" sump depth with a fully open wedge pipe.

- Measure the fluctuation your sump has a on a daily basis. From the photo it looks like you're using an ATO, as I can see a float in there, but I would check to be sure that float isn't allowing for a larger variance before kicking on and off.

Let me know what you find out.



Thanks for the response.

My skimmer sets in a 100g rubbermaid stock tank. The skimmer sets on the bottom and there is only 8" of water in the tank. The water level comes right below the top of the white discharge Tee fitting. I am using the Tunze Osmolator ATO system which keeps the sump level very consistant at 8".

I have made reference marks on the white stand out (part with set screw) at fully open, 25%, 50%, and 75% closed and have had the wedgepipe locked down at fully open for months. I have cleaned the pumps and I still get this sudden overflow. I have taken the silencer off and cleaned inside it once so I will do that again, maybe that is the problem.

I just dont understand why at such a low water sump level it is overflowing after a few days of working perfectly. Although at fully open wedgepipe it is not working properly I am sure.

I will take the skimmer out clean everything including pumps, skimmer body, neck, cup, and inside the silencer and then let you know what happens.
Ok I completely cleaned the skimmer from head to toe. Everything was taken apart and cleaned with fresh water and hand dried.

The silencer was not clogged at all.

The skimmer is setting in 8" of water and the wedgepipe is 100% open and locked into place with the set screw. Outlet discharge Tee does not move from straight in line with the 90 which keeps the wedge pipe fully open.

All the pics were taken within 1 minute of restarting the skimmer and it acted like it was going to overflow then but didnt. By the looks of the wet foam head I will go out on a limb and say it will overflow again anytime. I will not add anything any food to the tank, put my hands in it, or add any supplements other than my 2 part dosing which is on dosing pumps and dosed into the sump area where the skimmer is located.

I thought with the skimmer setting in only 8" of water I would have to close the wedgepipe quite a bit to get the water level up in the skimmer but as you can see that is not the case.










Mine over flows any time the bubbles in the main chamber start dropping toward the bubble plate. Mine are usually 3 inches above it. See how low yours are dropping? Are you running carbon? Or maybe a filter sock that wasnt rinsed all the way?

Seems like if my wife does the laundry and adds bleach it over flows. My sump and fuge area is in the utility area by the furnace, water heater, and laundry.
What inserts are you using? Is each set in use the same length 2 short ones or 2 long ones? How long as it been running? Did you also clean the pumps and pinwheels? Did you check the elbow coming from the body below the tee for an obstruction. In the one pic of the discharge my A250 has a much bigger ripple in the water at the discharge at 9 1/4" deep than yours at 8". Did you check the elbow coming from the body below the tee for an obstruction. Hope this helps a little.

I had order Alpha 300 and ozone generator for my 600G tank.
any of you use ozone with skimmer? If so do you use carbon to clean water from skimmer?
any input will be help me alot
Thanks all
I have a 180 main display with a large sump. Will the Alpha Vertex 170 cone provide enough skimming for my tank? It will eventually be medium to heavily stocked. Total water volume will be around 220 gallons. TY
MarineGirl, I thinkl you are borderline between the 170 and a 200. I have no doubt the 170 would handle a 180gal system with an average sump underneath it, but once heavily loaded, and a bit larger sump, you might go with the 200 just for peace of mind.

Both units are in stock and can ship immediately if needed.

I have a new out-of-the-box V-Alpha 200 and can't get much air flow/bubble generation. There are very few parts and no assembly except for attaching the pump as best I can tell so hopefully this is something simple I'm overlooking.

The pump runs great stand alone and attached to the base"¦ tons of flow and surprisingly quiet; however, once I attach the clear tube from the red riser the pump draws significantly less water and produces very little bubble action. Sump depth is a constant 8.75 inches.

I see "œ# of turns" referenced in the thread but can't figure out what is being turned. If I turn the red riser more than a ½ turn the clear tube pulls from the pump. It's got to be obvious but I'm a bit at a loss here.

Any/all advice is welcome.
I have a new out-of-the-box V-Alpha 200 and can't get much air flow/bubble generation. There are very few parts and no assembly except for attaching the pump as best I can tell so hopefully this is something simple I'm overlooking.

The pump runs great stand alone and attached to the base"¦ tons of flow and surprisingly quiet; however, once I attach the clear tube from the red riser the pump draws significantly less water and produces very little bubble action. Sump depth is a constant 8.75 inches.

I see "œ# of turns" referenced in the thread but can't figure out what is being turned. If I turn the red riser more than a ½ turn the clear tube pulls from the pump. It's got to be obvious but I'm a bit at a loss here.

Any/all advice is welcome.

the 200 should come with a white or red adjustable volute that screws into the in take of the pump. what you need to do is turn it until its completely tighten. then take a permanent marker and mark the 12:00 position on the volute.

then you are going to turn it 2 complete revolutions and that is the best air :water ratio

and then run the skimmer in 8-9" of water or even 10" of water and then turn the red stock pipe until you see the water level raise. You want to have the skimmer running super dry for about 2-3 days.
Then have the water level just under t he neck where you take off the collection cup

Buzz I hope this helps you out

Things are looking good"¦ the unit is breaking in nicely and producing fluffy skimmate but not pulling too much gunk yet. I raised the sump level to 10", opened the volute a few more turns and closed the gate +-50% in order to get action in the upper cylinder (but not to the top). Assuming I'll dial it back in and open the gate once it breaks in. Is this a common experience and is 10" optimal?

Amazing how quiet this thing is compared to my old skimmer (which served me well for 8 years). My sump/skimmer is in the basement and every time I open the basement door I experience a flash of panic thinking the power's out. The flow of this thing is also surprising"¦ the exit flow creates its own undertow. If I had room I'd put the skimmer in the main display instead of my tunze.... great current & the white bubbles are quite relaxing to watch.
Buzz the key is the more the Volute is open the drier that skim mate will be.

so running it closer to the 2 turns is optimal for the skimmer if you are getting fluffy skim mate
then turn the water level up. the reason is you said that you open the volute up more that is why you are getting a fluffy skim mate
We have nozzles!!!

For those of you wanting to change your first run Alpha skimmers over to the adjustable screw nozzle, we have just received our shipment today. We have received nozzles for the Alpha 200, Alpha 250, and Alpha 300. I will have photos and a link posted to the product up on our page Monday. Pricing for the nozzles will be $34.99/ea.

Hi Jeremy, a bit of time on my Alpha 200 very dirty neck (see photo) to adjust the neck is closed at 5% level in the sump is 24.5 cm
I increased the organic load of the tank feeding more fish and corals (SPS - LPS).
what settings do I suggest?

I read some posts with updates for the skimmer, you have a link where you can find what it is

thanks to the availability


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It looks like it is performing pretty well, I would leave it where it's at. The silencer will pull off, and then you can pull the bottom plate off the cylinder, which will give you access to the inside of it.