Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

It looks like it is performing pretty well, I would leave it where it's at. The silencer will pull off, and then you can pull the bottom plate off the cylinder, which will give you access to the inside of it.
sorry I do not understand how there is a movie that explains ?

it is best to clean it can form salt deposits that reduce the air flow?

thanks in advance

I have been having a bit of a problem as of late. I have an Alpha 170 running on a medium loaded 110 gal mixed reef with 45
gal sump. My skimmer has been and continues to be a little difficult to get / keep dialed in. It is running in a constant level 9" of water. The adjustable nozzle is 2 complete turns out. My problem is that the skimmer wants to build up a cake on the upper sides and top or totally overflow. Therew isn't anything in between the two results. The riser pipe is open about 6mm. Any more and the water level drops too low and if I close it any further (maybe 1 mm more) it starts gushing about 2 minutes later. I have tried screwing the nozzle out more but I don't see much if any difference. ( Maybe, I can't see it because I have to put my hand in the water to turn the nozzle and the foam collapses.) Any ideas?


Ted, run the skimmer in 9.5" or 10" of sump depth and this will give you more adjustability with it, and not such a delicate adjustment on the wedge pipe.
Super, I will try that. It is sitting on an eggcrate shelf so I will remove 1/2" to 1". Thanks, Jeremy.
What if you only have 9" of water in sump? Will the alpha 200 work? Will you have the same adjust to make and cannot?
Hey Jeremy, Do you have the product code for the nozzle for a Alpha 200 so that I can order it. I am unable to find it on the site.


We have nozzles!!!

For those of you wanting to change your first run Alpha skimmers over to the adjustable screw nozzle, we have just received our shipment today. We have received nozzles for the Alpha 200, Alpha 250, and Alpha 300. I will have photos and a link posted to the product up on our page Monday. Pricing for the nozzles will be $34.99/ea.

hey all,

i am upgrading tanks to a big

Anyone interested in a used alpha 200 ? I see a 300 in my future...

pm me if interested

Reefmonkey, they are not up on the site yet. Give me a call and I can get one shipped out to you right away.

Larry, stick with the 250, you'll be happier on the system you're putting together! :)

I have not been keeping up with this thread since you sent me a new pinwheel for my Alpha 300 several months ago. So I am not sure if there are any changes or updates to my skimmer?

However I am having the same problem that I spoke to you on the phone about when I ordered the new pinwheel. My skimmer skims great for 4 or 5 days then it will just freak out and overflow. This has been going on for several months now since putting in the new pinwheel.

This can happen while I am at work, at night while sleeping, or anytime really.
I have even done a simple test on the skimmer by not adding any food, putting my hands into the tank, or adding anything to the tank for several days and this still happens.

I have the skimmer sitting in 8 inches of water. Sump water level is just below the top of the white discharge tee. I can not close the wedge pipe any or the skimmer overflows. So I just leave it completely open and it skims great until it overflows and dumps all the skimmate back into the tank. This has happened numerous times, once a week at least, since the beginning of the year. If I clean the cup and next every 2 days then it doesnt overflow but it is just not feasible to clean it like that. If I let it go 4 or 5 days without cleaning it overflows.

Here is a pic of what happens. What do I need to do to fix this?
It is driving me crazy.


i'm starting to have this same issue that orr2003 has described here with my alpha 200. i dont think it is a problem with water level, clogged tubes, loose connections, etc. problem seems to be related to something in the water that causes excess foam production.

things will be fine but then for no obvious reason, the foam gets out of control and it starts to overflow, and the only way to stop it is to turn the adjustable nozzle nearly all the way closed. after several hours, the excess foam production goes aways and all is well. then i open he nozzle back up.

but i dont know what changes the water. no coral addition, no meds, no epoxy, etc. everything looks good and stable inside the DT when this happens. there is no obvious precipiting event that starts this.

i been running in 9.5" water with the nozzle 3.5 turns out. i'm producing a very dry, dark skimmate.

i'm wondering if what is happening is there is a buildup of solid skimmate stuff that forms on the inside of the tube in the collection cup. at some point, a chunk of this solid stuff drops down into the cone chamber which changes the water and makes it foam more. if this is the case, the solution might be to close the nozzle down a bit and aim for a less dry skimmate to prevent excess solid build up?

has there been any revelations with orr2003's prob? or anyone have similar prob/theory or any thoughts?
ok, so maybe the idea of solid skimmate faling back into the cone water is not right. i just cant figure out why it would be fine then all of a sudden for no reason start to overflow like crazy only to settle down after a few hours. could be some obstruction to airflow via the venturi line or somewhere around the nozzle/pin wheel. but why would that resolve on its own after a few hours. i guess i'll just keep trying to figure it out. in the meantime, i screwed in the nozzle to 2 turns out rather than 3.5 turns out to see if that may help.
Call me Monday when you have have some time and can be in front of the skimmer. We'll go over everything with a fine tooth comb and get it figured out for you.

Hello, I have the 200 alpha in 9 inches of water. when the nozzile was at 2 turns the pump pulsated as the bubble level rose up and down. I assumed this was not optimal.

With 1 turn the pump runs smooth.

any comments or recomendations
Jeremy, thanks. I'll try to give you a call this week.
eaglab, do you mean 1 more turn out from 2, meaning 3 turns out total. Or just 1 turn out?
At 2 turns, I get a little pump pulsation too. Not much and not enough to effect the water level. That is why I've then turned it out one more to total of 3 out before. The pump does smooth out at only 1 turn out, but my thoughts were this too much limits the amount of air intake.
The pump does smooth out at only 1 turn out, but my thoughts were this too much limits the amount of air intake.

Yes this is my concern also. I am running the skimmer with one turn out from zero turns. Is there enough air intake or should I set the nozzile at 2 turns out, are the pulsations normal or acceptable at 2 turns out?
If the skimmer is running fine, and producing skimmate, then leave it where it's at and forget the settings. Having said that, if you can see through the body of the skimmer, then you're definitely not getting enough air draw, the whole body should be full of thick bubbles, and not transparent.
Last Day For Vertex Cone Skimmer Sale!

Last Day For Vertex Cone Skimmer Sale!


Today is the last day to take advantage of the 10% off Vertex Alpha Cone skimmer sale going on! We have all models in stock, available to ship immediately. All pricing is shipped to your door!

Alpha 170: Sale Price $699

Alpha 200: Sale Price $809

Alpha 250: Sale Price $1079

Alpha 300: Sale Price $1259

All models now include the new fully adjustable venturi to dial in your desired air / water draw settings!