Royal Gramma Harems


Premium Member

Another question for you, this time regarding Royal Gramma Harems. Based partially on your article on basslets in an old reefkeeping, I've been giving advice to people that if they want to keep multiple grammas in their tank, they should add two Grammas that are vastly different in size in order to avoid the risk of adding two males. Your article stated, "The largest Grammas are always the males or will become the male when paired with smaller Grammas." For people that wanted to keep a harem, I would tell them one large Gramma, and the rest smaller, or juveniles.

Recently, when I was handing this advice out, SAT posted the following:

I don't have access to this book, but I assume that he's quoting it correctly.

Does this mean that I've been giving out the wrong advice? Is there a way to sex grammas, or have more than one in a tank without them killing each other? Supposedly grammas are kept as pairs in Europe all the time (see the same thread as above), so they're doing something right. Maybe I'm just missing something.
Thanks for posting that, I feel better about the advice that I've been giving to people the past couple of months!