RS232 to USB

Got my new unit yesterday and used a converter no problem, with windows xp you will have to use the drivers supplied with the adaptor but with vista it will have the drivers already loaded.
I purchased a USB to serial adapter and installed the driver, but I can't seem to get my system to recognize the adapter. I'm using XP.
use the driver as instructed above.

Once installed go to system devise manager and see what port the USB adapter has been installed onto.

Then go into edit connection settings in ProfiLux control and either manually enter the port OR use port search button

using firmware version V.02 and software to match has easier to set up dialogue.

Note - Some cheap third party USB to RS232 converters are as good as a chocolate tea pot, just to pre warn you :(
I use a converter from Conrad and it works perfectly. However I had to unstall the driver provided with the cable to make it working under VISTA.