Ruffled Palys...why?


Reefing since '93
My Palys are all "ruffled"" looking instead of opening up fully. They were like this in my 90, and are still like this since I moved all my Zoas and Palys to a 20 a few months ago. I have mostly Zoas, but there are 2 types of Palys, they are both ruffled. The first one (not IDed) I have had for months, and it became ruffled a few days after being in my system. I added a frag of Nuclear Green Palys, and they became ruffled after a week in the tank. Any idea why? They are still spreading, and appear to be doing well, they just look funny.

I can take a pic if needed. I don't have one off-hand.
It is not uncommon for Nuclear greens, Captain Americas and purple death to be "ruffled" looking. That is the why mine are the majority of time and they grow fine. However, I don't know what cuases them to do this.
Palys are fairly active eaters. If anything floating along touches them, they go into "grab" mode. That may be what you are seeing.
Ok thanks guys! I Googled Captain America Palys and found a pic of a ruffled Captain America Paly too. I would like to find out why they do this...I don't like the look of it. :(
