rule of thumb for sumps?


New member
I just got my first 180g tank (yipeee!!!). My question is how large does my sump need to be? Would a 40g long be sufficient? I wanted to use my 55 but it won't fit under the stand. Thanks
You should use the biggest size sump that you can fit that is reasonable. Things to consider are the size of the equipment that will be going into the sump and the make sure that it can handle the amount of water that will back siphon (with a siphon break in the return line) if the pumps ever shut off.

In my opinion, a sump that is too small will be more of a problem than no sump at all.
Like already stated, go with the biggest sump you can have. Also, it doesn't have to be directly under the stand. I know people who theirs beside their tank. Only down side is that you would need a pump with a higher head to pump the water the extra distance.
i have a 180 with a 20 gallon sump. Its fine but thats the way i bought it. It really hasn't given me any troubles but the extra room would have been nice.