Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Thanks luc. Im trying to catch the personifer as I type to place him in a qt tank. Im wondering that because the conspic is dominant over her if it is inhibiting the color development. Im hoping for a quick color change once separated from her....we will see if I can catch her
Thanks Kenny...

I've been really into fish for the last year or two now so that has been where I have been concentrating. There arn't many corals im looking to add these days. a nice acro here and there but that is about it... I think im done w/ chalices now as I just can't appreciate them in my frag tank. Nice sps and nice fish keep me happy...
Yep, do what makes you happy. I still like all the corals but have no urge to add too many to the collection. Still trying to track down a few Acros to fill up some empty spots myself.
thank you very much. I will work on one but it may take some time...

Im hoping to add some new shots of a few fish but I need to wait and see how they do for a while...