I have been running my 55 gal w/20 gal fuge system now for over 2 yrs. I have had off and on bouts w/ hair algae the whole time. Its almost to the point where I throw in the towel and go fish only. I test for phosphates and nitrates and see near zero readings(I barely feed because im so gunshy over this rotten hair algae) I scrub off my algae, do water changes and then watch as my lush green carpet returns to cover my rock and equipment...Q: I know that low flow can promote cyanobacteria does it also promote hair algae. My tank is lit by 4 pcs @65watt ea 2 actinic 2 daylight. actinics = 7am-9pm, daylights = 10am-8pm. temp =80 water changes= 1 to two per mo. at 20 gallons a time. I cant help but wonder about the flow though I know I'm a bit low there w/ a mag 5 return and one low-med powerhead as a supplement and then just the runoff from my hang on Aqua C Remora. any input about my flow, photoperiod, would be helpful. I do have a nice fuge running w/ chaeto and some Halmeda I run the fuge lights opposite my tank lighting (overnight one could say). SOS Please Help.