Sad to see


im an addict lol
It's to bad reef central has done such a bad job of keeping up with the time. It's sad to see this board as dead. Reef central needs a major over haul and rebuild it it is just a matter of time this whole set will be gone I say this with years a decade of posts I have put on this site.

I write this in hopes the mods still see all. Incase they haven't seen the light maybe this post will get to the right people. Major revamp needs to be done ASAP. Traffic is dead on this site.:uzi:
Seems like a lot of forum activity has moved onto Facebook groups. With all the auction and specific coral groups. One of the big diesel forums I used to be on now gets a few posts a day last I looked at it.
I think it could be revived if they remodeled. From a post that I read a while ago, it seems like they want to maintain the complete history of the site but doesn't have the knowledge or time. Archiving the old SQL data and making it available on a new site is actually pretty easy. But, there is always a but, they have to have to desire to do it. vBulletin is actually fairly easy to parse out. At this point, it seems they don't. Any New Blood out there willing to help them out should apply. Also, not sure who pays for the hosting or is it done on a private server?
Yeah, I noticed a decline I have actually gone over to reef2 now they don't have a large local feed but at least there main site has still a lot of traffic.
Yeah, I noticed a decline I have actually gone over to reef2 now they don't have a large local feed but at least there main site has still a lot of traffic.

I tried but I like the local stuff and I didn't fin much going on reef 2 local
The other site is dominating, sponsor membership is a focus, they are bringing vendors and hobbyists together more personally. RC made a HUGE mistake by not continuing the "Reef of the Month". This was what brought me closer to the hobby, as tanks were published randomly, but always gave a peek under the hood, maintenance practices, philosophical perspective, as well a pictures. After all, they had the audience of hobbyists during this time, there was little competition, and heck, who wouldn't want to strive for that honor. This added to the mystique of RC, made them special, and attracted user's all over the planet. The SPS board itself was my second home, LOL. I rarely visit there anymore. Sadly the local forums are just buyer and seller boards, I am guilty too. Recognition is huge with people, I think the other site is mastering this, and is attracting many users. They attend almost every large reef convention, frag swap, etc. RC is no longer the site to go to, the other one is now, they are working at it very diligently, building an amazing community. Yes, it is sad, I have been around for quiet some time on RC, and have met some awesome people. Only reason I still lurk :)
Do you guys think Photobucket also led to the decline in traffic? I know my own personal thread was destroyed, as all the pics were not linked. This happened to all my favorites journals as well. Many did not want to re-start, as their journals were massive and detailed with pics. Sad that this happened, but I get it, just stinks that as another site is taking off, this happened to RC. They have direct image linking as well. The features are up to date, and maybe RC can do something similar to re-engage it's users. TOTM alone would pull me back, LOL :)
Its not Photobuckets fault you could never just post a picture here.
I only come back to see whats for sale. The FB groups are all for sale listings too.

There is very little talking like we used to do and learning as well. I think so many think they know everything and have no desire to learn. Its the way of the country anymore so I don't expect fish people to be any different.

If people want the other local places to be any different go start conversations there and pick up where this place left off. Tell your friends the other places are there.

Or better yet I don't care much about what a place looks like. Start conversations here.
I wish more would come back to the forums. The facebook groups are a joke. Ask a question watch it disappear under overpriced for sale posts and vendor shilling. I stopped even checking it. Here/clay-boa the threads are great to have a good easily searchable list of posts so you can find what others have done with certain issues.

I agree there has been an exodus to clay-boa but that is for the national forums. I have not seen the local forums too active over on the other side.

Rob, you have a good point and it is sad, especially with how much has changed in the hobby over the last 10 years. Keeping up with the changes requires <gasp> reading and not going and scrolling through funny cat pics. I've learned from so many others mistakes, I hate to think what my tank would look like if I thought I already knew it all. Even after all this time I can usually find a good nugget of info or learn something new about some new fangled equipment and why it is good or not.
For real the site has gone down hill badly. I dont even sell coral and I notice it and hate it, (for the tool with the stupid post above me) ....

I barely check the site anymore cause its usually nothing New and posting anything for sale is deff a process when you have stuff like FB where its super easy to

Its not just about selling stuff I like watching builds and getting ideas from others or seeing issues people have that I have or may have and can learn what works best for them.
Not even a little. Why you ask? Need something? Lol

Since you have only been here since 2014 I will just add this was a better place before you got here. Not blaming you I am just talking about a time. Actually several years before you got here. You still probably won't undsrstand because you weren't here to experience it. Just trust us that is was a cool place.

QUOTE=rvareef;25488933]are yall having trouble selling coral frags from your house?[/QUOTE]
I was never really one to do much posting on here but I liked to read all the discussions and learn from everyone. Things have definitely slowed down for sure but I still check in just about every day...
I was never really one to do much posting on here but I liked to read all the discussions and learn from everyone. Things have definitely slowed down for sure but I still check in just about every day...

I do 2. some days there is some action and then like the last 2 days nothing. I really don't like the hole FB thing. I miss posts and the little woman hates me looking at my phone all the time
Well, this is an odd message to say 'hello' on. I just moved here and had been off this site for a long time as my former residence had a very strong local site.

However, I like many of you, have a lot of history with RC dating back years. I was more than a little bummed to see just how far this has slid. I just posted a thread on the other major site detailing my 1 year build out process of a 680g ReefSavvy tank start to finish. It was very easy and hugely photo intensive.

I got up this morning ready to jump back on RC after time away and get to know some friends here and forgot just how clunky it was to work on this site. 6 of my first 8 pics wouldn't upload and even then the darn thumbnails are annoying.

I echo those who are just pleading for RC to get with the times. We/I really have always liked it here and do want to do more than just look for cheap sales - which are always nice but there's a million places for that.

It wasn't my intention but hopefully I can find a good local Tampa site or method to meet you all. If anyone knows of a good way or another good site please send me a message and check out my thread at the 'other place'.

Hope to meet everyone soon..

Andy - CoralReefer.
Well, this is an odd message to say 'hello' on. I just moved here and had been off this site for a long time as my former residence had a very strong local site.

However, I like many of you, have a lot of history with RC dating back years. I was more than a little bummed to see just how far this has slid. I just posted a thread on the other major site detailing my 1 year build out process of a 680g ReefSavvy tank start to finish. It was very easy and hugely photo intensive.

I got up this morning ready to jump back on RC after time away and get to know some friends here and forgot just how clunky it was to work on this site. 6 of my first 8 pics wouldn't upload and even then the darn thumbnails are annoying.

I echo those who are just pleading for RC to get with the times. We/I really have always liked it here and do want to do more than just look for cheap sales - which are always nice but there's a million places for that.

It wasn't my intention but hopefully I can find a good local Tampa site or method to meet you all. If anyone knows of a good way or another good site please send me a message and check out my thread at the 'other place'.

Hope to meet everyone soon..

Andy - CoralReefer.

Funny, fairly newbie to FL and haven't spent too much time on the other site but now I will just to see that tank build...680g Reef Savvy...wowsa! Where were you before because coming from SoCal I've been stunned at the cost of used set ups posted on CL....I just had a friend in San Diego selling his used 280g starphire with steel stand/sump for less than $600. I'm seeing posts for crappy 50g tanks for $2k...not sure if they ever sell. I'm about 2 hours from you but need to venture your way to check out some of the breweries out there in Tampa.