Sad to see

Welcome to the new Floridians. There is a huge reefing community here which is probably why you aren't able to buy a decent conditioned used system for 10% of its original cost. I agree there are some crazy listings out there but it seems 50-60% of the original cost for a good condition set up is the norm and if you think about it a good deal.
Say for myself I have a 40 gallon IM with custom external overflow and custom built maple stand for $500. It is a fair price considering the quality of what is there and it is right around 50% of what I have in it. 1 year old and in excellent condition.
Agreed. I used to spend most of my day reading, learning and helping people on this site. (Don't tell my boss)

Now I just show up once every few days to see the tumbleweeds roll by. :-(
I agree as well. Def sad to see how this place has just stayed stagnant. When I first started reefing this place was the holy grail for info and everyone was incredibly helpful. I, like the majority of people have been using the other forum due to very high activity and ease of posting pics/vids.
I agree as well, its just so sad what has happened to RC, everytime i think about it I start to cry, I just love going to the other site and then coming back here to cry some more and complain
I agree as well, its just so sad what has happened to RC, everytime i think about it I start to cry, I just love going to the other site and then coming back here to cry some more and complain

You are very sensitive, maybe stay in your happy place.
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New here and I agree

New here and I agree

I'm new here and I have noticed that the site isn't that active, I've had to join facebook with a fake profile and I use reddit a lot. Although I can't say that I really like reef2 at all. :deadhorse1: