
I just went in with a buddy of mine a few weeks ago on a two polyp frag of PPE's from that same seller.... I paid $90 for my one polyp and watch it melt away. Never opened when I got it.

(This is the one we bought)

I knew full well that could happen, and frankly wasn't that surprised. Hopefully my buddy I went in on them with is having better luck and I can get a frag back from him.

I guess I don't see a problem with people paying high prices for what they want. It's just when you see dishonest or shady practices going on when someone is selling stuff and getting high prices that bothers me. I think this seller is pretty honest about what he's selling. Shows pictures of the actuall frag he's selling too. But his stuff certainly isn't in the budget coral section.
Oh yeah, and to answer your question about who would pay that much... LOTS of people... That's the low price too, lol. He's been selling one once a week for a couple months now. The first frag went for more than $250 + shipping for 2 polyps. Check out his history and you'll see that every week the price goes down a little more and a little more....
ive had sucsess with a purchase from him as well, It wasnt PPE but the zoos lived and are multiplying albeit slowly
I thought paying 15 dollars per polyp for Alien Eyes was a lot, but if it's worth it to you, you'll do it!

I wouldn't pay quite this much for PPEs, but I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some.