
So, reading this, the Aquarium purchased chemical X to do some specific task in there tank. Supplier then ships them a bottle of chemical Y mislabeled as chemical X. Because there is probably no specific test any reasonable place would have that could validate that the bottle is what it is labeled, They use said chemical X and the entire tank dies.
Couple of thoughts here, first off, wouldn't you imagine that the aquarium would have done some sort of quarantine test, on a smaller scale to validate a proper treatment procedure moving forward to the display tank? (obviously not, but I bet they do now)
Secondly you have to imagine that the aquarium is going to lawyer up against the chemical supplier for compensation for such a large scale loss. This aside from the apprehension anyone buying chemicals from that supplier is going to feel at this time.
As I'm sure with others here, just a heart-sinking feeling reading this story. No one wants to read stories like this. Makes ya wonder, could happen to any of us buying "bottle X" and using it.