Safety connector hookup question


New member
I just purchased 2 6205's and the safety connector. I tried it out this morning and the pump did pump using the 12V battery. Can I hook two batteries together to get 24V and run the pump at full speed? This would be a serial hookup if I remember correctly - series = add voltages. parallel = add currents right? So if I hook the two 12V batteries in series I suppose the trickle charger goes on positive lead of one battery and negative of the other right? Is this recommended? Don't want to blow anything up...
You are correct on everything except I am not certain about the trickle charger. I think you would need a 24V trickle charger to pull that off, or you could use 2 12V trickle chargers. I would ask someone at say Batteries Plus who may know more about these chargers, 24V systems are typical in diesel trucks and tractors, that may be another source of expertise. In general though, you are just trying to keep enough flow to keep things alive until power returns and 12V is likely enough and is a lot simpler.