Sales Tax


Active member
If I build an order online and mail a postal money order is this considered an internet order and tax free?

I don't need the paper trail.:D

Steve U
Hi Steve,

We will be happy to offer the discount for the order.

Go ahead and punch in the order as usual on-line then select "PayPal" as the payment method. On the "Order Comments" section, just add a note letting us know that you will be sending in a money order.

Your order will then be processed and put on hold. As soon as your money order is received, we will get the order right out to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further

Marine Depot Customer Service

I received the order for the 2 x's 250w MH bulbs and IceCap ballasts today. I almost refused it due to the very bad exterior box damage (crushed). I hate the UPS claims game.

But being the impatient person I am and already having waited since I choose to mail you a money order I signed for it.

List of damages...
Outer carton....history
1 MH bulb sleeve crushed about 4", yes 4 inches.
The bulb in this sleeve, well pushed out of the sleeve, is still ok.

Everthing else was ok.

So in short everything in the boxes survived the trip.

I just love happy endings!

Thanks for your great service and packaging!

Steve U