Salinity calibration fluid


New member
Anyone seen any lately?

My little bottle expired about 3 years ago. Lol I don't know if I should trust it. And of course using this solution indicates my refractometer is off 5ppt.
The problem with old fluid is that you can have some evaporation over time that throws it off. Fresh fluid is the the best way to calibrate
I have a bottle if you want to use it. We can see if your stuff went bad. Do not use nsw. Ro is ok but not the preferred method. I find I have to recalibrate often
Are you going to the sequarium tues? I just got new fluid this minth. Bring your refract and you can check it vs your fluid.
You'd need a calibrated refractometer or conductivity meter ;)

Someplace in the chem forum Randy has a directions for a DIY calibration standard. The best calibration is done at close to the salinity your testing for ;)

Thanks Bill. That's kind of what I was getting at :)
I have some but never thought of the evaporation theory. Its been in my garage for 2 years. Guess I have to buy more, LOL.

However, DI, NSW, RO are not good substitutes. As BillsReef mentioned the closer to your goal, the more accurate your results will be.
You'd need a calibrated refractometer or conductivity meter ;)

Someplace in the chem forum Randy has a directions for a DIY calibration standard. The best calibration is done at close to the salinity your testing for ;)

Bill- I just read Randys article. As always he is very thorough and accurate. The issue i have with this article is that it involves creating 2 liters of this stuff.

We use a few drops a few times per year. I am more of the opinion that we just buy it from reputable manufactures every few years. They are cheap enough.:idea:
I calibrate every time I use it. Doesn't take long, and I find it is usually a little bit out.

Maybe I need a better refractometer. Is this how it is for you guys?
Bill- I just read Randys article. As always he is very thorough and accurate. The issue i have with this article is that it involves creating 2 liters of this stuff.

We use a few drops a few times per year. I am more of the opinion that we just buy it from reputable manufactures every few years. They are cheap enough.:idea:

Yeah, you do need to scale it down or share with your friends :D
I vote Eddie makes a batch to test his skills then shares with all the FMAS members

Actually I think yours and Bills comments bring up an excellent idea, some one in the club makes a batch for our members.

We have a resident PharmD in our group, the good ol Dr. Thompson.

Im sure he has acsess to the best tools to do this, a gram scale and ways of measuring accurate water volumes.

What do you think Dr. Thompson. 2 liters of this stuff can go a long way for the members, :)

Here is the link to the article:
Milwaukee MA887 Digital Salinity Refractometer + calibrate with RO water = win to never using some silly fluid ever again.

this is dead accurate.
We have a resident PharmD in our group, the good ol Dr. Thompson.

Im sure he has acsess to the best tools to do this, a gram scale and ways of measuring accurate water volumes.

What do you think Dr. Thompson. 2 liters of this stuff can go a long way for the members, :)

I can make a 2 liter batch :)