Salinity + Clams


New member
I've lost 2 clams now. A maxima and a crocea. I have the right lighting, good ca + alk, no predators bothering clams. The clams were bought at seperate times from a reputable lfs. They both had been at the lfs for at least 3 weeks and looked very healthy. But both clams died at seprate times but always 2 weeks after adding them to tank.
So I dont know what I am doing wrong.
Until maybe now. I now have a refractometer and found my salinty to be 1.022. Would this cause the clams to perish after 2 weeks:confused:
What is an acceptable salinity for clams?

Do yourself a HUGE favor and pick up a refractometer...

Clams are inverts, and like higher salinities... I'd keep 1.025-.1.026... and hydrometer's are WAY off... Your salinity could be 1.030 or even 1.018, you never know...:D
I now have a refractometer and found my salinty to be 1.022.
I just did buy a refractometer, its reading 1.022 my float arm was reading 1.024

Will 1.022 salinity cause the clams deaths?
Almost forgot!

What lighting do you have?? Also, what were or are the tank params, could have been something in the water How large were the clams?
Provided the clams were well acclimated, 1.022 should be tolerable but not good for clams. I would try rainsing the specific gravity to 1.026. Depending what your temperature is at, this will vary but check a conversion chart for salinity to specific gravity and aim for a salinity of 35ppt.
Clams were dripped aclimated for 3hrs. Lights when I tried Maxima (3.5") were 2 - 175wMH + 220w VHO actinic. Lights (now) when I tried crocea (2") are 2 - 250w MH + 220w VHO actinic.
Ca 390
Alk 9 dKH
Temp 80F (summer :rolleyes: )
Amm 0
NO2 0
NO3 ?
PO4 ?

I have a 29g fuge growing chaetomorpha very well plus I do bi-weekly wc with RO/DI so I don't think I have any nutrient or poor water problems.

Now that I have refractometer I will raise my salinity slowly over the next couple weeks to 1.025

So does it look like the low salinity caused the clam deaths? Everything else looks in check right?

I don't know wehn I will try a clam again, I am now very clam shy. But I would love to be able to keep one long term someday.