MTS Sufferer!
Read this slowly through the week. Thanks to all that put their systems here for us to learn from! I am getting started with a pair of 150 gallon verical tanks from Kentucky Tank that I was able to get picked up by someone driving by and not pay shipping! I have seen it asked a few times but never answered on how to deal what the TDS spike that comes at the start of turning on the water to the RODI system. I have come up with an idea to automate it using a small Plc working with Russ at Buckeye Hydro. I will be using a Iwaki size 55 as that is my skimmer pump and this gives me a backup that I can live without for a couple of days. Build will commence when RODI automation is complete! Quick question, since you guys are turning these every week, long tem who's true Union ball valves are the best value for the money?