Saltwater guppies

I just go to my pond in the back yard. Lol

Well- then Share. lol.

Think on monday I may go down to the petco and snag a few fry/young guppies. Heck- might just buy 5 feeder guppies and see how well they do- if I can get them to survive and not dissapear I'll throw them in the 65 and put some fancy in the 3g.
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Saltwater guppies

Pm me. Ill try to get you a pair if you like. I'm in Lauderhill.

Keep in mind Gambusia are a brown black in color. And also they have a high salinity tolerance. I think I have Gambusia Holbrooki. Whichever I have, it's the local species.
update: day before yesterday everyone was ok, went today to check on them and there was a bunch of little black chunks in the tank, and one of the male mollies was gone. he practically disintegrated :( my only guess is the two males fought to the death. im left with the killifish and 1 male and 1 female mollie, there was a guppie in there too but the killifish ate him last night :). transferred them to the 20 in full saltwater this morning and so far the only one scared poopless is the tomato clown lol, the killifish hangs out at the surface and the 2 mollies swin around together(which im super happy about) and are already picking at everything, taste testing i suppose :lol2:
ill see how it goes and update in a week, hopefully everyone gets along.
Another update from my end.

The two females that are in the DT are still alive and kicking, they are still quite timid at feeding time but are out and about.

Sadly, 2 days ago, I killed all 14 fry. They were getting very big and growing fast. Like a moron, I over estimated the amount of putty that I could put in safely to try and stick something. After around 10 minutes, most of the fry looked for the worse. I did a large water change but none survived the night.
Another update from my end.

The two females that are in the DT are still alive and kicking, they are still quite timid at feeding time but are out and about.

Sadly, 2 days ago, I killed all 14 fry. They were getting very big and growing fast. Like a moron, I over estimated the amount of putty that I could put in safely to try and stick something. After around 10 minutes, most of the fry looked for the worse. I did a large water change but none survived the night.

So you think the epoxy putty you used was the issue?
Everyone was alive and we'll yesterday now the female Mollie is gone, no trace of her whatsoever. I heard a loud splash last night which is usually the pike feeding, and the pike has a fat belly so I think he ate her. On top of that the clown is bullying the pike even tho its like three times the clowns size Lol
Everyone was alive and we'll yesterday now the female Mollie is gone, no trace of her whatsoever. I heard a loud splash last night which is usually the pike feeding, and the pike has a fat belly so I think he ate her. On top of that the clown is bullying the pike even tho its like three times the clowns size Lol

Sorry that you are loosing the additions. I guess that mollies and guppies are rather tasty and easy snack for predators.

I do blame the putty for the death of the fry. I have had bad experiences with this same putty before. I believe that it pulls out lots of O2 from the water to cure and suffocated them.

Today, we have some good news. I have more fry. 7 in total. Last night, one of my girls had squared off and so I decided to move her into the breeder. It was empty so I had to set it up. I had no salt on hand so I decided to fill it up with RO/DI and a jug of fresh water community tank to add some minerals to it. I then put the female straight into the tank. She gave birth today.

I had briefly read something that said guppies acclimated to saltwater can be put back into freshwater with no acclimation and a high survival rate. It also said that they can be put back into saltwater with no acclimation and still have a very high survival rate if done within a time period.

This female has been preggo for a very long time. I am curious to know if the saltwater is to blame for the long pregnancy or if the freshwater was a trigger to release? All the fry seem very health and larger than the last batch. The female gup is going back into the DT as I type.
So how do I do this, I've tried everything to eradicate cyano except this and chemicals. What species are the easiest to acclimate? What do I ask for at the lfs a male and female and that's it? How do I get them to breed?
Hahahahahha just contacted some guy on CL for mollies (trying to see if someone already had them acclimated saltwater) and he tripped out when I told him they were for saltwater and he kind of hung up on me!��

Mollies have disappeared all together, and the clown and pike have had theyre battles but are getting along now. I was looking at the tank today from far and saw the pike chasing something squigly so i ran up to the tank, and its babies!!!! IDK if the pike is asexual as i havent found any good info on them or she was prego and it takes a few months but theres babies! at least for now, as ive already seen her eat at least 3 or 4 of them :(
Best pic I can get only three left shes eating them real quick :(

Right under the frag plugs
Best pic I can get only three left shes eating them real quick :(

Right under the frag plugs

click on the image to enlarge it, if you look closely right under the fourth square(from left to right) that little 3/8" line is the fish lol
She's still giving birth! This ones been stuck for a while lol

I managed to save 3 of them this morning here's one of them
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