Saltwater guppies

please update with your progress im super curious to see how it goes with the guppies especially the fancy or any colored one for that matter

Well. Day 5. Still swimming and eating. Think he's a little bored in the white bucket. I'm up to 1.018 and tank is at 1.021so I think by Monday night he will go in.

Have been doing this with a drip. One drop every 3 seconds. Slow but seems to work.

I'll keep you guys updated.


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I decided to join in on the fun.

I bought some Gambusia to restock my pond. Decided I would take two and start acclimating to salt water. Ill post later with pics and progress.
Yup day 6. And I almost lost my guppy while putting him in. Guess I know why my inverts died all ofa sudden. I was knocked flat on my butt and guppy with acclimation bucket went flying. He's safe and currently Acclimating him toa but higher salinity now to go in picotope which is 1.024. 1.021 is where he is now.
Back in the 80's I bred fancy Guppies for competitions. I would love to have some in my DT. Following along.
Now that I'm over the shock.

Here is video of him in my picotope. Seems happy until he hits the current.

sweet glad everything turned out good, he looks cool in there, let us know how it goes in the long run

so far at day 4 the mollies are looking great! they are eating like pigs and when theres no food they are actively cleaning everything in tank! Cant wait to get them in the main tank and see what they do to the hair algae :bigeyes:
The four little guppies i put in there two days ago are gone and no dead bodies so im pretty sure the pike is eating not to mention i found a large poop that the mollies could have never produce :dance:
Saltwater guppies

Day 3 and the SG is 1.015. The male has passed. The injuries was worse than first thought, his jaw seemed broken, and one pectoral fin was almost removed. Poor guy.

All other guppies seem fine. Eating happily and playing.

I am also "acclimating" them to an increased flow by increasing the flow each day, hopefully, this will make the transition to the DT as smooth as possible.
My Sunrise disappeared. No evidence of his existence ever being in the tank. :(

Wonder if emerald crab got him or bristle worm. He was swimming happily until lights out.
Wow- you guys are going incredibly slow. I acclimated my 9 mollies to 1.025 in a matter of 5 hours- and I thought that was a bit too long. 2 didn't survive the clown fish attack, but 2 females have already had babies and another 2 look pregnant already. They eat like mad and I haven't seen a bit of cyano since they went into my fuge.
Saltwater guppies

From my research, it seems that Mollies are able to adapt to Saltwater much more readily than other livebearers. I have read lots of accounts of people acclimating Mollies to full SW in 2 hours, some have even thrown mollies straight into their tanks without any acclimation. It seems the general consensus for guppies is around 1 week.
Day 4 and the SG is 1.021. It is going faster than I planned, but they are behaving normally. I think I will be getting these guy/gals in tommorow.
Cool, let us know if you get any fry.

I decided that I would push and get them to 1.026 tonight and get them (1 male and 2 females) in the DT. Well, I did just that. They're in, both my clowns charged at them, but surprisingly, the male gup fought back and now the clowns are minding their own business. Win? I hope so! It's lights off now so pics to come tomorrow.

I have left the most heavily preggo female in the acclimation tank, I am hoping that I will be able to catch her fry and then put her into the DT, but the tank is at full SW. I may make this tank into a hatchery/frag tank, IF, I get fry.

Happy reefin!
Just a quick update.

So all the gups are still alive and kicking! The 3 gups in the DT have been very timid and have only stayed at the back and staying at the top. However, today they are happily swimming with everyone else, even though they seem to have been heavily beaten by clowns, but they are playing nice now. A female has also found herself into my overflow, I will free her ASAP :)

The heavily preggo female has still not given birth, however, SHE IS HUGE! Her gravid spot has got a lot darker and a lot bigger now. Hopefully she will drop soon.
Just a quick update.

So all the gups are still alive and kicking! The 3 gups in the DT have been very timid and have only stayed at the back and staying at the top. However, today they are happily swimming with everyone else, even though they seem to have been heavily beaten by clowns, but they are playing nice now. A female has also found herself into my overflow, I will free her ASAP :)

The heavily preggo female has still not given birth, however, SHE IS HUGE! Her gravid spot has got a lot darker and a lot bigger now. Hopefully she will drop soon.

Thanks for the update. My two gambusia are in full strength sea water. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to integrate them into my display. I have a feeling my blue hippo and pencil wrasse will make their stay short lived.