Same question all over again?


The OG mad scientist
Tunze vs vortech.
I've been researching this for quite some time now but i want some local input. In the past my setupp have had closed loops or not needed as much flow as my current endeavor with maily sps's/
I did modded 3 1200 mjs and certainly they put a lot of flow as i needed i'm turning over about 45x and happy but would like to setup some sort of waves. I know some of u use tunzes- I'm thinking two 6200 with a controller will do the trick for me any suggestions on any of your running them and experinces.
BTW I know hydor is coming out with some new pumps but they r even bigger ( cheaper) but bigger. SO maybe I'll take the tunze plunge providing i c some setups with them. I know Mr. Briggs runs them anybody else. TY:smokin:
I am running 2 6100's and a 7095 controller, they make a world of difference in my tank, and I say this because I have experimented with shutting them down and leaving the Close loop alone working and vice versa and observing the tank from all angles.
In addition to the streams, I have a Tunze wavemaker, it also does what it claim to do, very good, you can clearly see the polyps and fishes rock left and right very similar to what I see in the ocean when I dive, now, wether this rocking motion has any positive effect on the tank is still to be determined, it is too early to tell, one thing I can tell you about the box it is ugly!
I never considered the vortech's because of all the bad comments I read from the users when they were first launched, I don't care much about their design nor I am a big fan of first generation items, but, will consider them in their 3rd or 4th generation.
Rogger, would you consider the wavebox to be overkill in a 4' long tank? I was considering it instead of saving for a 6100 or 6200 because of that natural wave motion and its ability to thuroughly irrigate all parts of most colonies of SPS. I didn't look much into it though because I heard that over time it stresses and could wear out the seams in a glass tank.
Not an overkill if it actually has positive benefits, I don't know that yet, however, the wavebox is definitely not replacement to the streams but rather an add on.
There are reports by tunze that they estimate that the wavebox could reduce the life of a tank by 25% but this are just theories.
There is at least 1 report I read that the wavebox caused a tank to leak in 1 week, this is probably a defective tank seam that the wavebox just accelerated the inevitable.
I have 2 6100's currently I also had a vortec which was returned after 3 days because I could never get it to work properly. I agree with Roggers comment in that I might attempt the vortechs again but not for a while
Yea, if I get more flow, it'll be from some 6100s. I'm debating right now which would be more productive, getting a tunze, or upgrading to a euroreef RS135 or RS180 now that my tank will be medium stocked.

How do you measure the effectiveness of a skimmer?

sorry to hijack thread..
Thats a tough one, I guess it depends on what are you doing to accomplish both task now. I will favor flow as long as you have a half decent skimmer at least.
Answer if your skimming is good it should not be a problem
Heh. Yea, sorry again gasman. My skimmer is definatly half decent.

Since this thread is about the vortech, I'll now put in my $.02

I've been looking for flow for a while now, so I did some research in the GIANT thread in the IceCap vendor forum, since they're the distributor. It sounds like if you were going to take the plunge on the Vortech in the near future, and don't mind the $50 upgrade fee, then by buying now, you would get an extra year of warranty on the powerhead, which is very important, as well as the wireless controller upgrade option.

As far as heat, some people keep saying that they create just as much as the tunzes because they say that the heat is from friction, not from the electric motor (which I think is a very dumb suggestion, because IMO the electric motor would obviously give off more heat than the prop.)

I would have to say that with a 6' tank, the 2x 6200s will give you a great medium level flow patter, and combined with a tunze controller, it'll be really nice.

If you've still got closed loop, or if you've got a strong return pump, have you looked into getting eductors for the outlets? Eductors put out a lot of volume with less pressure, just like the tunzes, except they do it with your already existing outlets and returns.

hope that helps.
I have the 7095 controller with 2 6100's. It's a nice unit. The 7095 also came with a moon light that cycles every 29 days. The moon light has a sensor that counts the days everytime the daylights turn on and the unit adjust the brightness of the moon led so i get a full moon every 29 days. the unit also has adjustable night wave making so you can adjust the amount of water movement to as low as 10% of maximum output of the pump. this is to simulate night current which is less than during the day time. you can also select different wave patterns. I've seen a difference with PE since installing the unit.
oh by the way the unit is extermely quiet too.