

New member
Okay guys, I know there are folks out there with bubble (St. Thomas) mushrooms.

Please share your 'shrooms, I just love them.

What flow and lighting do you have them in and what other corals do you have them in close proximity to? I've been told they are sensitive so what corals/other shrooms have you found they are okay with or not?

Thanks in advance to anyone sharing.
okay, I'll start:)

Here's the only one I have (so far) it's not very well colored but I love it anyhow. It seems to be okay with the shroom next to it (not sure what type that one is)

Great photos. Are these them too. They seem to look a little different. I have two reds and a blue.




I have them under 250 watt MH and they got a bit bleached on the tips. I move the rock work to shade them and they opened up and seem more healthy.
Yes, those are sanctithomae...very nice. I've heard the red ones are harder to find. I love the blue one you have too.

Thanks for sharing:D
Those are awesome, i am looking to get some more. I picked up a rock with about 10 blueish grey one's on it for a steal! Love the reds.
id be happy to post some cool pictures here but i think im not allowed...of course, i understand why.

anyways i want to say that these bubble mushrooms are some of my favorites. they do come in many many different colors, almost as many as ricordea florida. ive seen green/blue, purple, reds, whites, pinks, and aquas...and this species gets huge. in captivity they can expand to nearly 6-7 inches!

they love to be fed and will close up around small prey items...
a really amazing species!
I haven't had mine around other types of shroom but they are pretty touchy when moved, touched, added to a new tank, etc. Mine looked best under 70 watts of halide as opposed to 150s so maybe lower light is better. Low flow. Also my maroon clown viciously attacks them and almost killed one, I had to remove another but she leaves the largest one mostly alone. Thinks they will host her apparently but they do not approve.

Red one

Green/blue one
I love your red but that photo of the green is awesome ! I had the same problem with a maroon. She tried desperatly to host and for a long time my bubble let her but then she started growing and getting violent. She's in a different tank now and my percs are way more gentle !

She was about 1 inch in this shot.

the green one on the black sand is very cool!

so funny that gold stripes and bubble mushrooms dont mix...different oceans obviously but still funny that the bubbles dont like em.

i mentioned this somewhere in a thread but bubbles are very sensitive, maybe the really dont like the clown nuzzleing in there like that.

how do the percs and bubbles intereact?
My bubble and maroons got on really well. The maroons chose the bubbles over everything and I honestly think it's beacuse they resemble RBTAs. The bubbles even hosted the clowns when they slept. What went wrong was the maroons grew and got way too rough with the little 'shrooms so I had to remove them to keep the 'shrooms safe. Stupidly (because I only had one tank) I sold a red one. Now I have my remaining bubble with my percs and it's doing fine - so far they haven't found it lol.
tuumi, they tend to drop smaller buds. sometimes we will flip over a big one to find three smaller ones growing underneath. they do like to be fed. but they can grow to over 6 in across before they multiply...

did i send you any bubbles? i forget?
wow, those are some beautiful specimens. I especially love yours, tuumi!

here's one of mine:

Dropped a little bud, if you look carefully. The blurry one in the front is a greenish-purplish one.

Hope to find more to add to my collection soon.