New member
After moving my tank that used to be a mixed reef and upgrading all of my equipment to start a strictly ACROPORA TANK(with in mind that i am getting a larger tank in the future as well)...its been 6.5 weeks since the move....i used 50/50 old and new water....and completely replaced the SB to a 1-1.5" SB so no DSB. My parameters NO3 and PO4 always test out at 0 and 0, however I still get algal growth somewhat and i hate it.....for the first 2 weeks in the move i was BB and no algal growth and i loved it....deitrus siphoned out easily if there even was any that didnt get skimmed out.....
also this week my Copperband swam into my Tunze...dreadful but another no more heavy feeding of mysis which will help the situation, however
so now my bioload is 1 2" perc and one 1" perc(brand new very small) so i have a small bioload and i barely feed
with a total of 50 x turn over in tank, weekly WC's mostly siphoning out deitrus, and heavy wet skimming....deitrus and waste still accumulates to a degree in the sand and the top layer gets that greyish light brown waste accumulation no matter what.....unsightly brownish algal/cyanoish(its not cyano but might as well be) on the back glass.....i hate it and my husbandry is strictly due diligence and if you ask me about my husbandry you will see that i work hard and dont miss a beat
I have determined that sand is my enemy in this tank and BB is the way to go...I am going to slowly remove it via siphoning it out during WC's. I think the tank will vastly improve so on to join the BB club....i am going to post pics of tank as of tonight and then in a month after the sand is completely removed.
A couple of Q's....
How many of you BB's are using strictly BB and no starboard????
Show me your tanks that are BB without starboard.(i guess not a q but a humble demand lol)
Does this situation sound familiar to any of you???
Any warnings about the move to BB as i have always had a SB??? i love the aesthetics of sand but slowly is chipping away at me
Any suggestions????
If you have BB why did you decided BB as i am sure you have had at least one tank with sand in it???
also this week my Copperband swam into my Tunze...dreadful but another no more heavy feeding of mysis which will help the situation, however
so now my bioload is 1 2" perc and one 1" perc(brand new very small) so i have a small bioload and i barely feed
with a total of 50 x turn over in tank, weekly WC's mostly siphoning out deitrus, and heavy wet skimming....deitrus and waste still accumulates to a degree in the sand and the top layer gets that greyish light brown waste accumulation no matter what.....unsightly brownish algal/cyanoish(its not cyano but might as well be) on the back glass.....i hate it and my husbandry is strictly due diligence and if you ask me about my husbandry you will see that i work hard and dont miss a beat
I have determined that sand is my enemy in this tank and BB is the way to go...I am going to slowly remove it via siphoning it out during WC's. I think the tank will vastly improve so on to join the BB club....i am going to post pics of tank as of tonight and then in a month after the sand is completely removed.
A couple of Q's....
How many of you BB's are using strictly BB and no starboard????
Show me your tanks that are BB without starboard.(i guess not a q but a humble demand lol)
Does this situation sound familiar to any of you???
Any warnings about the move to BB as i have always had a SB??? i love the aesthetics of sand but slowly is chipping away at me
Any suggestions????
If you have BB why did you decided BB as i am sure you have had at least one tank with sand in it???