Sand mixes with crushed coral?


New member
Hey guys I have had a fairly successful 2 years running a 38 with mostly soft corals, (leathers, shrooms, zoos etc.) I am currently using crushed coral in my tank (I know it is old school). So I just picked up a 75 that had been set up for 1.5 years. I thought it was sand but now that I am getting ready to reset it up I noticed that it is crushed coral and sand I would say about 50/50. Would it be Bad to use both or should I try to strain out the coral? I know detritus gets stuck in the Coral much easier and the sand has more surface area but with the 2 mixed the sankd tends to fill in the gaps of the coral. The combo is better than my crushed coral but there is a question of the sand setteling to the bottom and the coral staying on top? This did not happen when the previous owner had it.
Anyone care to lend some knowledge?
I would suggest just using sand, as you mentioned CC tends to build up with detritus and will need cleaning fairly often.
If they do not settle out they I think it would be fine because as you say the sand will fill most of the gaps in the CC. It will still probably grab a bit more detritus then sand alone but I dont' think it would be near what CC does alone.
Got ya. I think I am just going to go with the combo since it will be a pain to strain out the sand and would rather not go out and buy sand and worry about cycling it.
