Sandra Shoup - nice article


Well-known member
Thanks for taking the time to sum up my feelings about posting in general.

And it was nice to put your face to a name when I met you at MACNA this year. :)
I'd like to second that:
Your article was just what we needed. A very pleasant yet effective reality check. Thank you.
I loved your thoughtful article. I would add another thing that annoys me on the boards:
--Always be explicit in the subject line (so others can tell whether to even pursue reading the post).

A hearty AMEN to your comment "If you don't have something valuable to say, say nothing." I have wasted so much time following up on a thread that interests me (because I got an email that said there was a new post) only to discover it was just someone saying 'atta boy' or worse, talking about getting a pizza and coke.