Save the Date - HoF Splash Oct. 2nd & 3rd


New member
House of Fins is having their annual Splash event the first weekend in October. As usual, they will have a great lineup of speakers and lots of livestock and equipment specials. If you have never made the trip to HoF you owe it to yourself to check them out during this event.

Details to be posted once they're finalized.
Speaker lineup looks awesome!
Jake Adams: "Introduction to Using LED Light for Aquariums"
Scott Fellman: "Your Next Marine Aquarium"
Bob Fenner: "Putting Together Livestock Assortments for Small Systems"
Scott Michael: "Critters for the Nano Reef"
Karen Randall: "The Freshwater Planted Nano Tank"
Randy Reed: "The Fundamentals of Feeding Your Reef"
Christine Williams: "Successful Seahorse Keeping"
Splash has been a great event, this year's is even bigger than usual. And the livestock at HOF is worth seeing all by itself. Can't wait!
Speaker Schedule...

11:00am: Scott Michael
1:00pm: Jake Adams
3:00pm: Bob Fenner
4:30pm: Karen Randall
5:30pm: Karen Randall (workshop)

12:30pm: Christine Williams
2:00pm: Scott Fellman
3:30pm: Randy Reed

If you really want to see someone in particular, please be sure to check with HoF closer to the event just in case something changes.

All StandardAquariums and Cabinetry 30% off
All Freshwater Livestock including Plants 30% off
All Saltwater Livestock including live rock, corals & invertebrates 30% off
Oceanic Chillers 20% off
All Seasonal Pond Supplies 50% off
Tunze 20% off
Boyd Chemipure 30% off
Giesemann Fixtures & Bulbs 15% off
Rowaphos 20% off
Warner Marine 25% off
Eheim 20% off
Deltec 15% off
Caribsea 25% off
Seachem 25% off Plus $53 Salt Buckets for 53 Years!
PE Mysis 20% off
Reef Nutrition 20% off
Hagen 20% off
Aqua Illumination LED Lighting 15% off
Sunlight Supply Metal Halide & T5 Fixtures and Ballasts 20% off
Coral RX 20% off