Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

I am glad to see that you are getting things worked out.

I didn't realize that your skimmer and equipment were confined in the cabinet. Years ago, when I had my 150 gallon display, I kept my skimmer and sump in a rather confined cabinet. Well, I ended up having a buildup of CO2 which dropped my PH down to 7.0. Once we figured out the problem, I opened up the back of the cabinet and placed a computer fan inside of it. I also ordered a CO2 Scrubber from one of the aquarium supply companies.

It should help to have your skimmer pull in fresh air. The additional flow in your tank along with oxygen circulation always helps.

I am still a firm believer of good husbandry and more frequent 10% water changes when things aren't good.

Hang in there! It will be a showpiece again very soon!

Thanks a lot for the feedback. It has obviously helped alot to supply fresh air to the cabinet, increase the circulation and add a tube to the skimmer to suck fresh air. The 10% water changes are indeed proven to at least stabilise the condition of the tank. Cant wait for the crisis to be over and enjoy the tank we built with so many sacrifice grrrrrrrrr :sad2:
If you are looking for options you may want to research air injection into your DT:) There are many ways to do this but you must have a system with enough flow to remove micro bubbles within a few minutes.
I show a couple of ways to do this in my build thread under large tanks.

Good luck with your beautiful system!

Thanks Aquatron for the suggestion. I will look into your thread for more info as i am not that familiar with it
Keep your head up. Instability is normal in a new system. Water changes are your friend. Do you have an RODI?

Hi Adam,
Ever since we built up the system we use only RODI. The funny thing is that everything was doing well for the first 3 months and then the catastrophe begun. Guess patience is what needed :headwalls:
Hi my danish friend

Just saw yr nice thread here - very nice surprice :-)

See U soon in Copenhagen


Hello Peder,

Very nice surprise and indeed a small world! :celeb2: We should arrange a drive up north with Kenneth to see your wonderful system.

Warm regards,
And the RIP drama continues

And the RIP drama continues

When is the point that we reach the "enough is enough" line?

I think i reached mine today. When I woke up this morning, 1 Anthias, 1 yellow Tank and one 1 millepora was gone. Another LPS (hammer coral) was half disolved. Did right away the measurements and all is in absolutely norms. What is going on????? :angryfire:

Shall we move away our focus on the measurements as they seem to be pretty stable these days and sick else the reasons? A carpenter came 5 weeks ago and installed a mechanism to open up the top side panel. Can it be that some aluminium debris fell in the system during drilling?

We stopped counting how many corals and fishes have died 2 weeks ago and at that time we were over a stock of 1.800USD. Is it expected to see also fish dying on a new tank syndrome?.

That was a small Greek drama monologue from a very sad, frustrated and concerned Dino

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When is the point that we reach the "enough is enough" line?

I think i reached mine today. When I woke up this morning, 1 Anthias, 1 yellow Tank and one 1 millepora was gone. Another LPS (hammer coral) was half disolved. Did right away the measurements and all is in absolutely norms. What is going on????? :angryfire:

Shall we move away our focus on the measurements as they seem to be pretty stable these days and sick else the reasons? A carpenter came 5 weeks ago and installed a mechanism to open up the top side panel. Can it be that some aluminium debris fell in the system during drilling?

We stopped counting how many corals and fishes have died 2 weeks ago and at that time we were over a stock of 1.800USD. Is it expected to see also fish dying on a new tank syndrome?.

That was a small Greek drama monologue for a very sad, frustrated and concerned Dino


That is indeed frustrating. It's quite possible something fell into the tank. I had a fish only tank crash for "no reason" only to find a penny in my sump. A penny! It's possible your over looking something. I have always found that if you take a deep breath and start from the beginning, check everything you will find the problem. Maybe have someone from your local fish store can come over and check everything. Are your test kits acurate? Maybe you have a bad test Kit? Don't give up. Just use it to further your knowledge and start over.
That is indeed frustrating. It's quite possible something fell into the tank. I had a fish only tank crash for "no reason" only to find a penny in my sump. A penny! It's possible your over looking something. I have always found that if you take a deep breath and start from the beginning, check everything you will find the problem. Maybe have someone from your local fish store can come over and check everything. Are your test kits acurate? Maybe you have a bad test Kit? Don't give up. Just use it to further your knowledge and start over.

Aaaaaaaaaagrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh I am normally a very patient person and look at me today - I am at work and cannot even concentrate to do what I am supposed to do because I am thinking of all the losses. The test sets are supposed to be good (SALIFERT). Have also ordered the Hanna Checker online for Alkalinity, Phosphate and Calcium. They should be arriving today. Thank you so much for taking your time and easing my pain with your feedback. I trully appreciate it

Warm regards,
Hi - sorry to hear about your losses.

If I can offer a solution to the Cyano problem. Try Ultralife red slime remover. I had a bad out break and this product cleared it up within 48hrs. In my tank it was fully reefsafe with no issues to corals or fish. I heard skimmers go mad when using it but I found just adjusting mine worked really well.

I didn't want to put anything in my tank to cure the problem but this product really does work. Google it.

Hi Dino,

So sorry to hear this,

Im pretty sure(not 100%) that yr problems is because yr tank is not mature yet, and that the bacteria population not had the needed time to gain foothold.

I can come to Copenhagen tomorrow and give u, both some Dr Timms bacteria and some Zeobac- so we can get balance back to the tank.
Only cost will be a cup of coffee.

And u need to accept that it takes about 2 months from now until the tank is better - even though it will look much better in about 3 weeks.

Dont put more fish or even corals in for some period now.

Just let me know :-)
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Hello Dino

I have a strong belief that the only thing going wrong with your tank is high stocking levels at a very fast rate!Your system is still very young and most probably that's the reason you are experiencing these losses! It couldn't support your stock.

What I suggest you should do is arm your self with patience, add some sort of bacteria (prodibio or Dr Tim's) do regular water changes and pray for the best!

I am sending positive energy from back home...
I can empathize :(

To me, it seems like some sort of poisoning happening. Have you checked the TDS of your RO/DI lately?
Thank you!

Thank you!

Hi Dino,

So sorry to hear this,

Im pretty sure(not 100%) that yr problems is because yr tank is not mature yet, and that the bacteria population not had the needed time to gain foothold.

I can come to Copenhagen tomorrow and give u, both some Dr Timms bacteria and some Zeobac- so we can get balance back to the tank.
Only cost will be a cup of coffee.

And u need to accept that it takes about 2 months from now until the tank is better - even though it will look much better in about 3 weeks.

Dont put more fish or even corals in for some period now.

Just let me know :-)

Peder you are our hero!!

Tomorrow Kenneth and I have a dinner we need to attend at 19.00 but if you will be able to drop by before that we would be so grateful. Irrespective of if you can or not tomorrow we HIGHLY APPRECIATE your offer and only a cup of coffee wouldnt be enough (although I am known to make the best Coffee on Istedgade) :) Then you can take a look at the system and give your good advice.

For the rest of the forum Peder has the BEST tank in Denmark.

So so so happy for your offer!

Warm regards,
Hello Dino

I have a strong belief that the only thing going wrong with your tank is high stocking levels at a very fast rate!Your system is still very young and most probably that's the reason you are experiencing these losses! It couldn't support your stock.

What I suggest you should do is arm your self with patience, add some sort of bacteria (prodibio or Dr Tim's) do regular water changes and pray for the best!

I am sending positive energy from back home...

Thank you fellow country man for your support and vibes. This is in line with what Peder suggests as well so I willl definitely give it a go and see if there will be an improvement.

Warm regards,
A bottle of dr timms is at Decocean shop now, and the Prodibio is reserved, so u Can buy.
Coffee another time :-)

Call me if u need help with dosing

Best of luck
Hi - sorry to hear about your losses.

If I can offer a solution to the Cyano problem. Try Ultralife red slime remover. I had a bad out break and this product cleared it up within 48hrs. In my tank it was fully reefsafe with no issues to corals or fish. I heard skimmers go mad when using it but I found just adjusting mine worked really well.

I didn't want to put anything in my tank to cure the problem but this product really does work. Google it.


Dear Rich,

Thanks for the feedback. I went on eBay and ordered it. Estimated time of delivery 8th of April. Is there something I have to be aware when performing the process?

Best regards,

A bottle of dr timms is at Decocean shop now, and the Prodibio is reserved, so u Can buy.
Coffee another time :-)

Call me if u need help with dosing

Best of luck

Peder thank you SO SO MUCH,

Just called Carsten. The invitation for coffee is still on whenever you want.

