Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

Dear Reef Central friends,

Now that the system starts having a character I decided to make a video for all of you that have been following my thread and get a better picture of how the tank looks like.
As a proud parent, I am looking forward receiving your comments :inlove:
Hi Dino,
I enjoyed it more than a little ... :thumbsup: Sincere congratulations! I see the clown fish are also found in their home! Amazing color is the anemone! :eek2:

Thank you so much Peter. Yes finally the little ones left the poor heliofungia and moved to their proper home... although they needed to be guided there :)

I found your thread last night. Beautiful work! I'm setting up a small reef but I planned on a bonsai style aqua scape. You've provided a lot of inspiration.


Hi Luke!

So happy to hear that I could provide some inspiration. If you have any questions just bring them on :)

All the best
That tank makes quit the statement as you enter the room! It goes beyond just being a reef tank, well done!

Thanks alot for the positive feedback izpecial. Still we have alot of things to work on and learn but happy to hear that it receives positive comments.

All the best from cold Copenhagen
Hello friends,

Long time no see - Lets say I will not be nominated for Mr. Best Health 2013
But now I am back and hopefully to stay.:p

During the past few weeks not much has happened other than adding a few more corals and fishes. The tank is cycling and we can see this nice layer of Coraline forming and the rocks getting coated with thin algae. We can see that the rocks start becoming "alive" and already now we cant wait for night to come and take our torches and explore the night creatures.

I prepared a list of the corals that we have in our tank for the insurance company but why not share this with you


Acropora Millepora (3 pieces)
Acropora spp (7 pieces)
Pectinia spp
Heliofungia actiniformis
Pocillopora spp
Montipora undata
Montipora spp (super green)
Echinophyllia ssp
Turbinaria mesenterina
Turbinaria peltata
Lobophyllia "Fantasy"
Scolymia australiensis
Caulastrea spp
Stylopora pistillata
Physogyra lichtensteini
Euphyllia divisa
Euphyllia spp (green hammer)
Euphyllia spp (green/purple hammer)

Ricordea floridae (5 pieces)
Ricordea Yuma (blue base, green tips)
Zoanthus (various types)
Gorgonian spp
Discosoma (blue)
Actinodiscus (red)

"Dragon's breath" (we think...)

Macrodactyla doreensis (purple)

Last but not least, a short video from yesterday... Click on below image to see.

Thanks for your time in reading my update and wishing you all a pleasant evening.

Just finished reading the entire thread, and wanted to say thank you!
Great, thorough updates with pictures! Your tank is so creative, yet so meticulously planned. Best of luck stocking it up, and I look forward to more updates!

Aloha, from Hawaii!