Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

Τank looks amazing as always Dino.
Certainly an inspiration .

I hope you have overcome your problems once and for all buddy!


Simply beautiful Dino! Absolutely elegant!

I wouldn't change a thing.Really well thought out and executed.Perfect room too.

I agree. Just let it grow now and enjoy it.

This tank inspired me to revive my tank all over again.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2

Just finished reading the entire thread, and wanted to say thank you!
Great, thorough updates with pictures! Your tank is so creative, yet so meticulously planned. Best of luck stocking it up, and I look forward to more updates!

Aloha, from Hawaii!

nice video and great tank!

Looking awesome. Thanks for the update.

Τank looks amazing as always Dino.
Certainly an inspiration .

I hope you have overcome your problems once and for all buddy!



Nice video. Tank is looking great, congrats!

Thank you all for the feedback. You made my mood :rollface:

The plan from the beginning is to upgrade on a higher pump for the Ocean Motion but for the starting point then the pump we installed was doing its job right. Now with much more stock in the tank and the cycling still in process we can see that we could definitely use a stronger pump to ensure a thorough circulation. Unfortunately we have been waiting now for more than a month for the new pump which was supposed to arrive from Asia this week but the shipment got stock in customs grrrrrrrr....... That is a big turn off because we were planning to invest in some really nice corals but we are now afraid of investing on anything before we change into a stronger pump.

Best wishes to all the places you guys and girls are scattered from the heart of Scandinvia


Beautyfull Tank Dino,

I'm just visited kopenhagen and is really hard to find a shop here(((
Do you order you stuff trough internet shops?
Beautyfull Tank Dino,

I'm just visited kopenhagen and is really hard to find a shop here(((
Do you order you stuff trough internet shops?

Hello and so sorry for the late reply. I was in Japan with work and just arrived back. It is true - Copenhagen reef crowd is very limited and there are only a couple of shops with corals and tropical fishes and they are mainly out of the town. There is one very good one in the center of Copenhagen in Frederiksberg area which we prefer since the other need a car. Next time you are in town let me know and i would be happy to take you there.

Warm regards,
Update and help

Update and help

Hello everyone from a snow-stormed Copenhagen. Just arrived back from Tokyo where i was with work and coming from +25 to -5C is a struggle :)

Here comes an update on the fishtank. Things are not going the preferred way :uhoh3: We have been experiencing corals loosing their tissue and bleaching as well as fishes getting "disappeared". So far we have lost 3 SPS, 1 LPS, 1 Heliofunghia and last week the Macrodactyla anomone got vacuumed in the Ocean Motion pump.

If that was not enough we can see that pH has dropped from 8.3 to 7.0 and the sandbend is coveres with hair algæ that comes back in no time. All other parameters are in within range so the frustration has reached its peak.

We have been waiting for a new pump for the Ocean Motion for over 2 months now and we fear that part of the problem is the insufficient circulation within the tank.

Below are some pictured of how the condition of the sand bed is. The yellowish colour is due to the time of the day that i took the picture and the setting of the radion lamp. The actual colour of this algae is deep purple.



We have opened to entire system to get some fresh air and get rid of the additional CO2 that might cause the drop of the pH and we have installed a pump creating some turbulence on the surface.

Its like a knife in the heart every time we see corals bleaching and our mood is majorly affected.

Any tip or ideas is more than welcome.

Thank you all for reading my update and looking forward hearing from you.

All the best,
Hello and so sorry for the late reply. I was in Japan with work and just arrived back. It is true - Copenhagen reef crowd is very limited and there are only a couple of shops with corals and tropical fishes and they are mainly out of the town. There is one very good one in the center of Copenhagen in Frederiksberg area which we prefer since the other need a car. Next time you are in town let me know and i would be happy to take you there.

Warm regards,

Hi Dino,

No Problem:)this shop I visited, Its the clownisken shop im the frederiksberg allee?

Nice shop!

I fight also every cold weather period against algae:confused:

see you,

Hi Dino,

No Problem:)this shop I visited, Its the clownisken shop im the frederiksberg allee?

Nice shop!

I fight also every cold weather period against algae:confused:

see you,


That is correct. Klovnfisken is the place. Neils (the owner) often brings very nice staff. See you around Martin :thumbsup:
Hi Dino,

That looks like "Cyano Bacteria" to me. Hard to tell from the pic, however if it gets on the coral, it will definately damage tissue. You can blow it off the coral with a turkey baster daily, however you will need to treat your tank for the cyano if you want to get rid of it, and do your best to find the cause. Low flow could definately be a part of it, however I fear you may have phosphate problems as well? It's hard to say.

I might be wrong, however I would suggest you look into it anyway........good luck, I have struggled many times with this in the past myself. It is very treatable, so hopefully that is all it is.

Sorry to hear about your losses!

That is a big drop in pH... What is your KH value today (and also MG and CA)? I am guessing your KH is off. What salt are you using? Check the KH in newly mixed salt water.

Try to vacuum the sand and make some water changes and let us know your parameters.
Dino, I am sorry to hear of your issues.

I know that your tank will be looking pristine again soon!

I think you are on the right track with surface agitation and as much fresh air as possible. I am not sure if its cyano or "new tank syndrome." Might I suggest performing 10% water changes every few days for a couple of weeks, including vacuuming your sand bed?
"Small" status update on our aquarium situation:

The shop owner from where we bought the tank came by to check what is going on. We looked at the aquarium, but it was hard to identify what has gone wrong. it's probably a combination of several things at the same time.

We looked at the following:
- Water Values
- Flow in aquarium
- Light
- How do we feed / what we are feeding.
- Skimmer/ oxygen pick-up
- Number of fish / load
- Anemonen who was sucked into the filter
- Water change
- Cyano
- Brown goop on the sand
- How do we clean the glass / substrate
- The aquarium is still very new
- Whether there are things we have done differently

The strange thing is that there are some corals that thrive and others do not. And it stands not between SPS and LPS-it's across both categories. Some LPS do good whereas some other do horribly bad.

The values ​​in the aquarium is more or less stable

NO3 has risen to 2 where it normally is 1
Salinity 1,024 - it normally is a little higher, between 1025-1027
KH is a bit high, but since it is stable, it should not do any harm. But there is no reason why it is so high, so it should be a little down.
CA 420 - so it should be fine.
Mg 1410 - it should also be fine.
The NO2 is zero
PO4 It is 0,012 - must have probably been be zero, but not able to make much damage as I understand it. It has been very high for a 2 months ago, but it was rectified with phosphate remover
Temp 24-25c
PH was low (7.7) but after we aired out and put an extra pump at the surface is the top 8 again.

FLOW in the aquarium
We have seen little of the flow in the aquarium, and we are waiting on a 16000 liter pump for Ocean motion. In the meantime we have set 3 x 4.500l pumps on the left and 1 x 4.500l pump on the right to stir things up. The "funny" thing is that if circulation was the reason then why some corals that hate circulation also died?..

It was decided to raise the Radion lamps by 20cm to difuse even more the light from the LED which can be quite direct.

HOW WE feeding / WHAT WE feed
We feed 2-frost cubes 1 once a week besides dry food.

We supply about 1 drop of the blue bottle 1 a day per 100 liters, so it should be fine.

We looked a little on the air as a skimmer sucks in is "recycled air" from under the cabinet when it is completely closed. We have now put a hose in the skimmer so that it draws air out of the room and not from inside the cabinet.

We probably had too many fish in the tank compared to being a new system. Nature took over and approximately 20% of them died :headwally:

Our big, beautiful anemone chose a few weeks ago to walk straight to the intake of the Ocean Motion. When we took it out it seemed to be still alive but we decided to not take any chances and place it back to the system.

10% every 14 days.

There have been cyano several places in the aquarium, which also has covered some of the corals and has damaged them. PO4 is low and think I have heard that Cyano can come from too much PO4. We have blown it away from the corals with food pipette.

There are brown algae goop on the sand, which looks like it is in the start-up phase, and it is probably a sign that the aquarium is still very new.

May be I have missed something in this update, but it was just what I could remember what we talked about late last night. When I started the thread I promised the writing of good and evil - as much for ourselves as we have a "log book" of the aquarium.

Now we just need our aquarium to get back on track again :thumbdown

All the best from Dino
Sorry to hear about your losses!

That is a big drop in pH... What is your KH value today (and also MG and CA)? I am guessing your KH is off. What salt are you using? Check the KH in newly mixed salt water.

Try to vacuum the sand and make some water changes and let us know your parameters.

Hello Cardinal and sorry for the late reply,

The measurements of today were:

pH: 7.8
Temperature: 25c
Salinity: 1.025
kH: 10.2
Mg: 1350
NO2: 0
NO3: 1
PO4: 0,030 (The first time we used Hanna Checker and showed valued more than the normal test set we were using so far)
Ca: 425.

How do they sound?
Hi Dino,

That looks like "Cyano Bacteria" to me. Hard to tell from the pic, however if it gets on the coral, it will definately damage tissue. You can blow it off the coral with a turkey baster daily, however you will need to treat your tank for the cyano if you want to get rid of it, and do your best to find the cause. Low flow could definately be a part of it, however I fear you may have phosphate problems as well? It's hard to say.

I might be wrong, however I would suggest you look into it anyway........good luck, I have struggled many times with this in the past myself. It is very treatable, so hopefully that is all it is.


Thanks Kris for the reply. We are one big question mark as we try to find out what is going on. Cyano Bacteria is definitely one reason but it seems to be a combination of many. It is supportive to hear though that is treatable but you know the feeling of seeing corals and fishes "leaving" the tank - Each time i see a knew loss, Paul Young rings in my ears singing " Every time you go away.. you take a piece of me with youuuu"


Dino, I am sorry to hear of your issues.

I know that your tank will be looking pristine again soon!

I think you are on the right track with surface agitation and as much fresh air as possible. I am not sure if its cyano or "new tank syndrome." Might I suggest performing 10% water changes every few days for a couple of weeks, including vacuuming your sand bed?

Hello danfeig,

Hard to know what is going on but we followed your advice and did 10% water change every 4th day for 2 weeks. Cyano seems to have reduced substaintially. Problem is that in tank good things take time to show whereas bad things happen over night - we are now just holding patient monitoring the status.

Thanks a lot for your time in replying.

I am glad to see that you are getting things worked out.

I didn't realize that your skimmer and equipment were confined in the cabinet. Years ago, when I had my 150 gallon display, I kept my skimmer and sump in a rather confined cabinet. Well, I ended up having a buildup of CO2 which dropped my PH down to 7.0. Once we figured out the problem, I opened up the back of the cabinet and placed a computer fan inside of it. I also ordered a CO2 Scrubber from one of the aquarium supply companies.

It should help to have your skimmer pull in fresh air. The additional flow in your tank along with oxygen circulation always helps.

I am still a firm believer of good husbandry and more frequent 10% water changes when things aren't good.

Hang in there! It will be a showpiece again very soon!
If you are looking for options you may want to research air injection into your DT:) There are many ways to do this but you must have a system with enough flow to remove micro bubbles within a few minutes.
I show a couple of ways to do this in my build thread under large tanks.

Good luck with your beautiful system!
Keep your head up. Instability is normal in a new system. Water changes are your friend. Do you have an RODI?