Scheduled Power Outage


New member
Duke Energy is doing service this Friday and have notified me that I will be without power 4 to 8 hours. I have battery backups on my MP 40s and have air pumps. I also have a generator. I'm torn between going the battery backup/air pump route versus the generator. Which route would you go?
I'm hoping since I didn't get a notification my area wont be affected, HOWEVER..........Did they say how widespread it would be?
Its too dang hot for them to be shutting the power off for 4-8 hours, need to that nonsense when its not 90 degrees out.
Duke Energy is doing service this Friday and have notified me that I will be without power 4 to 8 hours. I have battery backups on my MP 40s and have air pumps. I also have a generator. I'm torn between going the battery backup/air pump route versus the generator. Which route would you go?

Save your gas and use the backups. Get a bag of ice and double zip lock bags and put it in a cooler. Use it to lower temps if they should rise too high.
Renerator all the way for 8 hr summer outage. Hope u have a chiller. U can try the ice blocks but u need to be ther monitoring temps then
Scheduled Power Outage

Would do the generator also use it as a test to see how it will perform if needed during a real extended outage.
haven't seen it mentioned, I would drop the a/c a few degrees as well on thursday to lessen the impact on the tank and you if you are going to be in the house.

You might get lucky, we were told a similar tale by Duke when a new pole got put in, but our power never went out, I popped outside and they used a temp shunt to keep us up 100% of the time even when connecting to the new lines they put in.
Well, I went with the generator. Ran the air in the house down to 75 before they cut the power. Turned UV sterilizer off and kept lights off. Power was off from 9:30a to 2:30p. House temp went to 80 but tank only went from 79.1 to 79.6 with no chiller. Turns out it was a good test run. There are a few bugs to work out before an extended outage.