Scribbled Angelfish in mixed reef tank???

Hello RC,

I just got scribbled angelfish that was bought by my friend from Australia, I bought 1 from him and I have 350 gallon tank with 275 gallon sump with rock, My question is if i should put this fish in my display tank and what are the chances for this fish to nip at my corals, I will try to keep this fish fed good, I know it is hard to tell but just want to see if anyone had taken this chance.

Thank you in advance,

What kind of corals do you have? Meaty lps like brains, and zoos will be munched. I have a number of angels in my sps reef and no problems yet lol

I've had a cherub and an emp in for about 2 mo this or so and just added a flame, rs regal, and a blue face and annularis Juvi.

Shall see, but it's so worth the risk.
You shouldn't have any issues with the scribbled and corals. If there is any nipping it will be zoas and clam mantles
I have already added the fish in my sump, it should not be hard for me to catch it but i will buy some cheap zoas and do the test in the sump, I will feed them well and keep an eye out for zoa to see if he goes for zoes even if i keep this fish well fed, thank you for advice though
How did your angel do? Did you end up placing him in the display tank?

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I tried a Scribble Angel twice in a 300 gallon mix reef tank. For a few months they were SAINTS then all HELL BROKE LOOSE. Same experience with both angels. They went after my Brain corals and my Croc Island Scoly's looked like short tentacle plate corals after they were done.

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