Sea Cucumbers


New member
How many have cucumbers as part of their cleanup crew ? I'm told they are excellent at detritus cleanup.
Yes they are excellent as scavengers, but they can get big. They need alot of sand and room. Your rockwork should be very sturdy.
be careful which ones you get. Some species, if they die, release a toxin, which can be harmful to other inhabitants.
Depending on the species, I would not get more then one per tank. I rather they have lots of food then starve.

PS-- Make sure they have lots of fine-sand-surface.
I have one in my tank, and for a while I think he was a bit starved. Now he seems to be happy and growing. A bit of a worry, since when I last went snorkling on the reef, it's cousins were about 1/2 a meter long and as round as a drain pipe.
Great sand cleaner but needs 4 square feet of sand to live. Hard to do in a tank with rockwork sitting on the sand.