Sea world to phase out killer whale shows

really the next thing they'll be telling us zoos are bad. hell it should be noted that nearly all zoos and places like sea world have there very own hospitals and doc many of which are better then the ones that work on people.

and because of that i now have no reason to ever go there

also if i understand right

most of there whales won't survive in the wild anyway as there breed and raised in captivity and the ones that caught like Keiko (the one from free willy) that are eventually relased again often fail to reintegrate with wild whales groups and as result most often die
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There is a difference between a zoo exhibit and a circus show. Sea World will do just fine without the latter. They'll probably add a ride to make up for the lost entertainment factor if you were really going there for the thrills.
300 is cutting it close but it just might work if you are planning to upgrade in the next year or so.

I figure if I get a small one, it will stay the right size for my tank and not outgrow it. At least I read that on the internets
So does this mean I can adopt one and keep it in my 300?
should be fine

most of there whales won't survive in the wild anyway as there breed and raised in captivity and the ones that caught like Keiko (the one from free willy) that are eventually relased again often fail to reintegrate with wild whales groups and as result most often die
They are not releasing the whales into the wild for that reason
really the next thing they'll be telling us zoos are bad. hell it should be noted that nearly all zoos and places like sea world have there very own hospitals and doc many of which are better then the ones that work on people.

and because of that i now have no reason to ever go there

also if i understand right

most of there whales won't survive in the wild anyway as there breed and raised in captivity and the ones that caught like Keiko (the one from free willy) that are eventually relased again often fail to reintegrate with wild whales groups and as result most often die

They are not gonna release the whales, they just arnt gonna do the trick shows anymore. They are keeping the whales to educate people on whales in nature.
Having Sea World here in San Antonio has always been a blessing and fun for the family. The interaction between the trainers and whales was always the best part. When they stopped that, the shows became boring.
Having Sea World here in San Antonio has always been a blessing and fun for the family. The interaction between the trainers and whales was always the best part. When they stopped that, the shows became boring.

I agree Alton.

We buy season tickets every year and we don't even bother going to the killer whale attraction. It is boring.... Last time we went there were picketers all over the entrance of the park. Not sure how they can keep from caving to this kind of bad publicity. SeaWorld is trying to improve their image by giving out free DVDs about the importance of conservation and what SeaWorld is doing to improve the environment.
I think there are many positives w sea world including but not limited to introducing kids to sealife and perhaps peaking their interest in this hobby etc. Most reasonable people aren't against sea world in general, but specifically about keeping orcas in such "small" enclosures
IMHO, the seaworld in Sandiego was pretty boring aside from the few rides and the seal show. I sat through the whale show and really it brings no value.. just put the whales back in the ocean and replace the whole thing with a nice aquarium exhibit. which they lack.
TBH, when I went to the one in San Antonio I was very disappointed. I think most of that was because of my own expectations however. I was expecting more exhibits, and it's really just built around the Whale and Sea Lion shows. I was expecting more of an aquatic zoo with a Whale sideshow but it was really the opposite. That's why I prefer the Texas state aquarium. It's an aquarium with a Dolphin sideshow, it's a nice sideshow, but still a sideshow.
I hope they expand all the exhibits for their locations. They really do need much larger quarters. Maybe go ahead and build an aquarium loop around the park... Now that would be awesome to watch them swim around and around.
Sea World San Diego recently got approval to expand their orca exhibit actually. Not sure by how much though.

Part of article mentions that they are reconsidering their multi million dollar expansion to the orca enclosure since they are not going to have shows
I think there are many positives w sea world including but not limited to introducing kids to sealife and perhaps peaking their interest in this hobby etc. Most reasonable people aren't against sea world in general, but specifically about keeping orcas in such "small" enclosures

I agree. They do some great things for conservation including rehabilitating and releasing injured wild marine animals. But I am glad to hear they are ending their breeding program for orcas. It seems cruel to take such large, migratory animals and keep them in relatively small, simple enclosures. When you compare the captive environment to the marine environment that the species is used to, the captive environment seems like a special kind of hell.
Yes I can put one in my saltwater pool, only thing is where to keep all those penguins for food, should I dip them in garlic first?
Not caving to the pressure, and not ending shows. The media dropped the ball on what really happened here.
SW is changing the show at ONE facility to see how it goes. It was in the works for awhile, not a new thing at all.
The funny part is that SW as a whole is doing well. The few activists left are making a lot of noise, but doing nothing. The irony is that when the truth came out about what those spot light activists were really doing, it made it hard to take them seriously.