Seachem aquavitro salinity


Just used this salt for the first time tonight and found the water to get cloudy if you add the salt fast as well. I also found the salt to have a different smell to it. Not sure if others have found the same to be true but will see how the tank reacts over the next couple days.

Yes it does have an odour to it
When I switched last month to salinity salt, I immediately noticed the smell when mixing. It is not a negative, its just highly noticed when first using! Salt is great so far, tank is looking wonderful and I am happy with my purchase.
So I have been trying to lower nitrates to no avail. Currently running at 10ppm. So I checked the new salt water mix and it is showing 2-5 ppm. Funny thing is I had a little reef crystals left over from my last bucket and used that to do my last water change and it read 0. RO water reads 0. So my conclusion is this salt is already starting with some nitrates. Is that possible? Salifairt test kit used.
That's possible, but I'm a bit surprised. A bit of ammonia is more common. That ammonia could be processed into nitrate over some time frame. I'd get a second opinion on the test kit. It should measure zero for distilled water, for that matter.
My RO water is testing 0 prior to adding the salt and mixing it. If that is the case not too impressed right now. The last water change as I had said was wth the last little bit of reef crystals and also read 0. I know some nitrates are not a bad thing and no adverse affects on the tank but was really surprised. I pretty much do my water change 2to 3 hours after adding the salt to the mix so it has not been sitting long
Yes will check the next salt mix and see what the reading it is. I have been really happy with this salt other than finding this, see what happens
Yes was thinking of doing that as well. Was just wondering if I was the only one experiencing this. Apparently not
Any updates on what Seachem said regarding ? Ive complained before that my Mg was 1200 freshly mixed. Never tested it for nitrates before, but it may explain my constant 5-10 ppm nitrates with a low nutrient system.
Just a note, but I noticed that Drs. Foster and Smith are running and Aquarium Systems sale right now - $40 for 200 gallon box of IO, and $50 for a 200 gallon box of Reef Crystals.
id like to know too. I'm using the same salt and I'm constantly getting 5-10ppm nitrate no matter how much water i change. my alk and calcium is low too and its a brand new tank with no corals. i notice that i do get a lot of precipitate on my heaters, pumps etc. I'm assuming its this salt.

No update on this?
Bueller? Ive been using this for 18 months and cant understand why nitrates are always between 12-16ppm. If the aquavitro is the cause of 50% of that, ill feel alot better
You guys had me worried for a minute until I tested a batch of water I mixed up yesterday with my Red Sea pro test kit. Vial on right is test sample, vial on left is straight salt water without solution added.


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