Seahorse Macro


Premium Member
Let's rule out Caulerpa as I won't be able to scrub rocks.

Let's also not refer me to or, as I will post my query there as well.

I am looking for a macro that grows tall and will have enough branches for seahorses to grasp, while maintaining my tank to keep macros from overtaking some soft corals. My tank is very deep and maintenance is a big issue.

Aquacultured would be nice. I could get seagrass here in Florida, but it is illegal. It would be great to find one tall piece of macro that is not as big a PITA to harvest in a 42" inch deep, 12" wide hex. Any ideas? Cost is not an issue.
Mangroves are always nice.... you can get them a decent size and plant them in your sand and have the leaves stick out of the top a bit. And seahorses like to hang out on them (mine do!). just a thought
I'd love to use mangroves, but if I did, it would be the only plant in the tank and I don't thing softie corals would get enough light. You saw the tank dimensions above, I think it would be more trouble than it's worth, but thanks for the suggestion.
Bill, do you have any suggestions where I could look for detailed care and feeding instructions, and where can I get it?
Care is fairly simple. Bright lighting, VHO, PC or MH's. I see you list 175MH over a 38, that should be plenty. Macro nutrients (N, P, K) can be supplied readily by feeding the fish heavily. I also find iron additions often make a big difference in keeping macro's and sea grasses. Codium that is not already attached to something, can be gently pinned down and it will attach itself in several weeks.

As for supplier's, the only ones I'm aware of are Inland Aquatic's and myself.
squeezix, I see you are in ft lauderdale..

You can pretty regularly find codium floating in most tidepools and sandbars here on the west coast of FL. I find it in large clumps, probably 6-10 inches, almost all year long in this large tidepool on the intercoastal side of Bradenton Beach, among others.

Not sure if it grows in the atlantic, over by you.. but it is readily available just a few hours west...