Seaweed salid


New member
So I am taking some cheato out of my sump and I think...Gee this sure looks like a seaweed salad that I would get at the sushi restaurant.

Now while I don't think I should eat from my tank...yea that would be really dumb...I have to wonder if its the same stuff.
i doubt chaeto is but nori is supposoed be pretty much the same as the seaweed used to wrap sushi rolls ....mmmmm

by the way i just took out some of the chaeto last week you gave me as well, it pretty much tripled in size since i got it:thumbsup:
Nori is the same exactly as what they wrap sushi rolls in. A lot of us (myself included) buy sushi wrap (nori) from the supermarket to feed our fish...
Seaweed salad in the sushi restaurants is made from wakame seaweed and jellyfish. The jellyfish is the clear or yellowish crunchy pieces and the wakame, well.... it is the green part LOL.

Nori is used to make the sushi rolls and hand rolls etc...

I get my Nori at the chinese supermarket. I get like 70 sheets for $6, it is much better than buying the other fish store stuff where you pay like $8 for 5 small sheets. The sheets I get are 12"x12".
I have a ton of Nori sheets in the pantry for sushi rolls, but all that is roasted and has stuff like sesame oil added so I haven't fed it to my fish.

Are you feeding yours the roasted Nori sheets like mine or did you find raw dried sheets of it?
I think they're raw and dried. I've smelled them, and there is no scent other than ::bleh!::ugh:: ocean scent to it. I guess I never thought about roasted with other stuff in it, because I havn't seen it. Regardless, the stuff I use is plain, presumably raw, and has nothing on or in it, according to the packaging.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11967268#post11967268 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by racermike27
Seaweed salad in the sushi restaurants is made from wakame seaweed and jellyfish. The jellyfish is the clear or yellowish crunchy pieces and the wakame, well.... it is the green part LOL.

Mike, I've never heard that seaweed salad had jellyfish, is this a fact or are you assuming this base on the texture of some of the seaweed in this salad?.
I have made seaweed salad with wakamu and other types of dehydrated seaweeds but never jellyfish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11972973#post11972973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Most if not all nori is processed and not raw. that is the only way to get it in a sheet like that.

Julian Sprung's seaweeds products, have a couple of dehydrated seaweed that are as natural as you can get, I have used similar looking product in cooking you can get this algae in specialty stores.