Seems my new Tunze Nano 9002 skimmer is missing a piece on the lid?


Active member
As you can see here...


There is a little plastic nipple that sticks out

And as you can see here... I have no nipple, just a hole.


So did I get a defective product?

I dont see any nipple floating around in the box any where?

What does this do?

Do I need it?
None of them have it. The purpose of that nipple is to add ozone and the 9002 cannot be safely used with ozone. The photo of the part is likely of an early beta model. All photos for the catalogues and manuals are taken early in development so the literature needed for the product can be finished on time.
Ozone, O3 is a more reactive form of oxygen, it clarifies and sterilizes water. This is what most air purifiers use and it is used to keep ice machines clean and bleach sheets and towels in commercial laundromats. You need an ozone generator to produce it. It is difficult to dose in very small tanks and the plastic the skimmer is made of, must be ozone resistant, otherwise it gets brittle and falls apart. The 9002 is not made from ozone resistant plastic.