Selcon and clams


New member
Has anyone tried supplementing their clam's food with selcon? I have been looking for information on this topic for a while now and can find nothing.

If there is anyone out there that has tried it. Did you notice anything good/bad, etc. I would really appreciate the info.

I have been thinking of trying it, but I am not very adventurous lol. My corals and fish love the selcon, it makes them look so vibrant.

Thanks in advance :)
I believe, and someone correct me if I am wrong, that Selcon and Selco are made from brine shrimp.
And clams are Herbivores and their diest consists soley of plant material such as phytoplankton's.
Selco is a nutritional supplement high in Omega 3 fatty acid and essential aminoacids. These fatty acids are the nutritional source in live phytoplankton per my understanding.
I believe that Flameangel has been using it with success for a while.
Selco is a nutritional supplement high in Omega 3 fatty acid and essential aminoacids. These fatty acids are the nutritional source in live phytoplankton per my understanding.

I believe that Flameangel has been using it with success for a while.

Using it to enrich the phyto she feeds her clams? Or just in the whole tank? How much does she use? What benefits has she observed?

I have been searching all day today for this information, still can't find anything.:confused:

AFAIK there isn't much omega-3 fatty acids in phytoplankton, they are found in fish. Since clams don't eat fish I don't think Selco/Selcon will be of much benefit.
I've been adding Selco (concentrated Selcon) to my fish food since I've had my tank. While I strongly believe it's beneficial for fish and corals I really don't think it affects clams at all.
Hi Jim-
I have to disagree-Phytoplankton strains vary in their nutritional value but certainly do contain Omega 3 FA and essential FA.
According to the Phytoplankton Culture Manual(FAF) about 42% of total FA in Nannochloropsis is Omega 3 FA, ~23% in Isocrysis.
This is the reason that rotifers fed live phytoplankton have higher Omega 3 FA levels and are better for larval rearing of fish.
Selco is used to boost rotifer Omega 3 FA levelsin addition to live phyto.