I'm doing well Steve, just up at school, anxiously waiting to come home and see my tank (I've been gone for less than a week and I'm already missing my tank). I'm not surprised that the toadstool went first. I can imagine if you put it on sale you'd have a line out the door of people who want it.
Just stop by when you get the new tank setup, and I'll be sure to start you off on the right foot (I hope). If there are ever any questions or ideas that you have about keeping acros and other SPS, you know where to find me (and you've got this whole awesome forum as well of knowledgable keepers).
There was that 120g setup that was free, but I'm sure it's gone by now. Oh well.
I wish you luck in your new endevour, and if theres any way I can ever help out, don't hesitate to let me know.