Selling Everything - Livestock First then Hardware 90gal, 40gal, 29bc (PIC HEAVY)

Sales Pending:

44 back right
all fish

Send me messages if I missed anything in live stock. Equipment sales will not start until I get rid of the living stuff. The BC29 can go now since its just a LR holding chamber.

44 back right - lr with red shroom/zoas
17 hammer
31 blue/green shrrom rock
4 green ric
15 lbs LR
Cleaner shrimp.


7 and 6 - acans
46 and 44 - clowns

All other fish are still available.

[44] back right - lr with red shroom/zoas
[17] hammer
[31] blue/green shrrom rock
[4] green ric
35 lbs LR
Cleaner shrimp.
2x emerald crabs
[23, 22, 20] Acans
[24] Chocolate Zoas


46 and 44 - clowns

All other fish are still available.
Bump, tons of this is still avail. The 40 and 29 are being broken down later today so I will have that equipment for sale soon enough. If you wanted any of it please PM again as the list is very long from all the PMs i got. I will try to go through them again if I have time and PM you back if I missed your hardware tell.
LR is mostly still avail. A small amount from right were the overflow is at is gone but the rest remains for now. I have someone interested in all of the LR but its first come since I want to get rid of it all to break down the system.
^^^ bump for a lot of nice stuff from a nice guy...

I was there today and picked up the T5 lights...took everything I had not to go home with some of that rock...grrr....had to keep reminding myself that I have to pay for school this week....maybe next paycheck if it's still around...hmmm.... :)

- Andrea
AquaC Remora Pro Skimmer with Mag3 pump and Overflow Box is available now. $100.00

40gal Breeder Tank with Metal stand and glass tops. $unsure
I have between 150-225 lbs of LR still for sale. Most of it has GSP or Shrooms on it.

The Red Shroom rock is still avail - over 50 shrooms. This rock also has pink Zoes and orange Zoes.

Small LR with GSP and one/two large Blue Shrooms.

Large LR with 3 Orange/Green/Blue RICS and a RBTA

Large LR with a 8"x5" patch of GSP

Large LR with 2 Toad Stool leathers, GSP, Red Shrooms

4x Elephant Shrooms (6", 4", 2x 2")

Large LR with Green Zoes

LR with Green Paly/Zoes

All the Fish minus the Percs.

i maybe intersted in some of the LR
what part of tampa u in? I will be over there on the 8th near USF.
I am in Bradenton Florida right off 75 on 64. Sorry for the Tampa location I have updated it.