September Meeting Notes


Our September meeting was held September 17th at 7pm at the coral farm. We had 14 members present.

There were several things discussed at this meeting with the hopes of setting a new and exciting future for our club.

One of the most important things decided were the meetings themselves. As a club we voted and decided that during the months of July, August and December there would be no meetings. We will be holding 3 meetings with presentations/raffles during the year at the coral farm. Those will be the months of January, May and September. The remaining months will be held at various members homes(you may volunteer for this) and will have a topic of that members choosing. This is an excellent way for us to gather ideas, see others tank setups and get together in a casual have-fun setting! Our October will be held by John Twardowski (known here as johnanddawn). Look for the date and directions soon. I will be hosting the November meeting.

We have elected a new treasurer...congratulations Lynn
We also decided to include two at large trustees...congratulations to Rob and Adam. These two will be filling in when those of us on the board cannot to help ensure things keep going for our club.

I have also put out a list of NWRS people, their email addys and their NWRS sn's. If there are any additions or changes, please let me know.

There was the discussion of bringing frags for sale/trade. Please feel free to do so at any meeting and it may be helpful to post on the website in advance so others have a chance to see what is available.

Until Next time..HAPPY REEFING!