Sequence Dart problems


New member
Okay, I've used these before, lots of them and have never run into this problem:

First pump I plugged in didn't start until about six minutes after. Left it overnight, came back to it dead. Tripped the GFCI. Reset the plug and started it again. Same problem, but a few minutes later it started to smell like burning electronics and was so hot to the touch that you could cook an egg on it, no crap.

Got a new pump. Plugged it in, worked well for about two minutes but I had to unplug it to drop more water into the sump. Plugged it back in about five minutes later. Would not start. Just hummed.

Anyone have any insight into this?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I'm in Canada if it makes any difference.
Sounds like a realy bad batch of pumps. Did you get them form a LFS? I had a problem like that, and after the second pump failed, I got my money back and bought elsewhere. Havent had a problem since.
Hmm, it's odd, cause I got them from seperate batches. The first one was purchased about a month ago, and since then I know the second pump was from a different shipment.

Is there any chance that there's some kind of power conversion problem? eg. Mislabelled and sent to the wrong country?
if its running that hot u must be restricting input or too much of output remeber that reduceing plubing diameter adds more back pressure, and if u excede max head pressure it willover heat and die, this pump cant handle much head, its low speed high flow not high pressure, also might take voluti apart and spin impeller see if its tight and aligned properly if its off a little it will cause probs, also if ANY air gets trapped in pumps intake area it want work, and if left plugged in long enough it would be toast, good luck