Sequence Reeflo Pumps question please


New member
hi,,i just up grade 180g fish only tank and the sump is straight down 15 feets in basement,,,so please help me to fugure out which model of Sequence Reeflo Pumps that i need to buy ??
i only use it for return,,,notthing else,,,and the return bulkhead is 3/4" ,,one each coner,,,help me thanks
How many gallons per hour do you want to flow?
How many gallons per hour can you flow through a 3/4" pipe?
My sump is in the basement and I went with the Sequence UNO. It all depends on how much flow you want. Remember though, the bigger the pump the bigger your electricty bill will be. IMO huge turnovers thru the sump are just a waste.
yeah with your sump that far away you need a closed loop or some put some power heads in your tank.. run the min gph through your sump...
I had the same question and I called the company and they worked it out for me. They asked questions like, how many 90 degree turns, how many feet or what size PVC, how many feet of head, what flow rate do you want at the tank. I am sorry I do not have the number anymore but I am sure you can find it on the net.

Look at the pump curve charts, most smaller pumps like a dart won't even get any water that high they don't have the oomph to push water that high.
A friend of mine just bought a hammer to run his 90, its upstairs and the sump downstairs so we figure it will perform like a dart by the time it works hard enough to get the water up 12-13'
That 3/4" bulkhead is way to small though for a 180 but I suppose if you dont want very much water going through the sump/skimmer it would work