serial to wireless ethernet adapter


Untill I can figure this out, I have installed a PC wireless card so I have one on each network. :) Thanks again.
I want to thank Laurentm for this awesome post. He saved me allot of money.

I successfully got it working following laurentm instructions. He provided just a little help. I will post pics tomorrow. I am sick so I am heading back to bed. :(

Total price for the project
$15 for parts
$69 for GL router.

Compared too serial to wireless adapters that go for at least 170 dollars.
See what you started Chris!!!!:D

You guys are unbelievable! I've never done anything like this before but I think that I am going to try this! Thanks for all the resources!
Nice huh? I got the router this last weekend and I'm waiting on my parts. I couldn't find them at Frys so I had to order them online.

Ryan, what model of Aquacontroller do you have?

I bought the AC III. I feel like such a dolt! Right now I am using it as a temperature monitor! Pathetic! I don't have the right accessories to hook it up! When I bought it, I wasn't educated on how to set it up and I am still trying to figure it out! LMK when you have yours up and running! I'm going to beg you to help me get mine together!:)
Ryan, since you have a III, you don't need the serial to wireless adapter. Your III has an ethernet port which is a very nice feature. If you wanted to go wirelessly, you would still need to buy a router but you won't have to mod it like the rest of us. This mod is for the Jrs.-II which have serial ports for remote access.

I need to make a trip out to your place anyways to see that tank, and when I do, we can work on setting up the III.
Here are the pictures like I promised.

First pic is the cut out for the serial - i used a dremel.

Next pics comes from laurentm (this where he helped me)
he got me the ribbon connection modified. Cost very cheap.
(This pictures was taken by laurentm)

Next - Serial put in

Next - my super welding skills - none what so ever. To the right of two rows of holes. I welded the 10 Pin Shrouded Male Headers.

Next - all together

Next - Temp Connection to ACjr just to test

Last - Laptop with remote connection working -Fast too

Now i left out all the steps provided in the first page by laurentm
You need to flash the router and put in the settings. You also need in install the virtual serial port and settings.

It was that simple.

Thank you very much laurentm you saved me easly 100 dollars.
For those of you who are going to build the transceiver cable from scratch (not using the compsys Max232/233 kits), here's the schematic for the adapter. You can get the max3232, caps, cable and connectors, online, from


1x MAX3232CSE (MAX3232 RS232 Transceiver)
5x C0001UTSMD (0.1uF 35V SMD Tantalum Capacitors)
1x IDCC10 (10 Contact IDC Socket Connector)
1x IDCMH10 (10 Pin Shrouded Male Headers)
1x DSUBIDCM9 (D-Sub 9 Contact Male IDC Ribbon Conn.)
1x GRCABLE10 (Grey Ribbon Cable - 10 core)
man this rocks. Yesterday i got my ACjr to send me emails threw aquanotes (full version) all done wireless.
The best part, my job requires me to carry a blackberry (i used to hate it but now its awsome) i will know right away if temp or Ph goes out of range

Todays project will be to remote from work and control tank. lol :)
Anyone know where I can find the parts for this locally? I tried Fry's but they didn't have any 10 pin connectors. I've got them on order from the website that Laurentm provided, but I believe that they are coming from overseas and I wanted to get this started this weekend.

I have a quick question. Can you the same wireless router above for internet connection as well? I just got cable modem and have to go wireless due to cable outlets. I'd love to have a 2 in 1 router.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7169470#post7169470 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by uscgbeachbum
I have a quick question. Can you the same wireless router above for internet connection as well? I just got cable modem and have to go wireless due to cable outlets. I'd love to have a 2 in 1 router.

You have a cable outlet next to the fish tank right?

So, yes, you can configure the modified WRT as a wireless access point and a gateway to your cable internet connection.

Upgrade the firmware, but do not follow the instructions I posted for the WRT configuration (those are to configure it as an ethernet wireless bridge). Follow the Linksys instructions to configure it as an internet wireless access point, then enable the RFC2217 function in the Administration tab.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7168860#post7168860 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chrisrush
Anyone know where I can find the parts for this locally? I tried Fry's but they didn't have any 10 pin connectors. I've got them on order from the website that Laurentm provided, but I believe that they are coming from overseas and I wanted to get this started this weekend.


You could temporarily solder it directly to the board :). You only need 4 wires (Vcc, GND, RxD and TxD).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7168819#post7168819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flex13

Thanks for the Download links

Hey no problem...Now if my ACjr would just hurry up and arrive so I can do the mod myself!!
Sweet. I'm going to order me one of these right now. Mind if I ask you (laurentm) a few questions if I need help since its different than the posted instructions/diagrams?
I'm not sure that I follow you, but I think that my buddy might be able to help me out. I think that my level converter is due today, so hopefully I can find the other 10 pin parts.

USC, I'm going to do the same thing that you are going to do, please post your findings.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7176505#post7176505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by uscgbeachbum
Sweet. I'm going to order me one of these right now. Mind if I ask you (laurentm) a few questions if I need help since its different than the posted instructions/diagrams?
No problem. You can PM me or post in this thread.