set it straight keep real

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New member
I am sorry i have to say this, but he brought it up in the closed thread.

Adam (shockme) you're inability to keep your electricians license and insurance in good order caused me a 90 day delay in moving into my space, furthermore you put the entire store's pump & lighting system on 3 breakers and placed outlets on the wrong side of the walls. This forum is not the place to air your laundry, but since you insist.

if you look at the attached the job took about 3 months complete!! The permit had a prob. because the name of the company was Acutec Electrical Corp. And the insurance was A.E.C. Cooper city took this exact name to start the permit. And during the job we had to give cooper city an updated insurance. At that time they wanted it to say Acutec Electrical Corp. That took the time from the passed rough to 2 weeks before the final pass. As for the time in between that the main contractor was waiting for pat to take care of something at the shop he wanted to do so he would save $ and not have to pay a contractor. That took some time. I spoke with the contractor and he said that that held up the final also.

As for the pump and lighting systems, they were done per the plans that were approved by the City of Cooper City, and then give to me by you Pat.

The job was done right and passed. You wanted to add more after the permit and I said no Illegal won't do it. It has been almost a year and no money. Know what is the story. Once again sry for this thread but the truth had to be said after the above was printed.

The wall rough was inspected and PASSED 4/27/06

The ceiling rough was inspected and PASSED 5/13/06

The final for the Elec. job was inspected and PASSED 7/25/06
When a moderator has to step in and close a thread, starting a new thread to continue the argument is always a poor choice.
I expect that my involvement in this matter is done, and that your involvement in it will be taken off of Reef Central.
Not cooperating will surely mean the loss of your ability to post here.
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