

New member
Howdy all,
Venting here. Not necessarily expecting feedback, but if you have relevant experiences and then success surmounting these setbacks. I was out of town for 3 weeks with the spouse still home to keep an eye on things, but her knowledge and ability to do things like adjust dosing schedule/test are extremely limited. I lost my maxima that wasn't flourishing even before I left and my RBTA that I accidently overheated (bad temp probe) for a few weeks a while ago is looking even smaller and more faded than before I left. I'm not upset with my wife at all. She is a saint for feeding and even just learning enough about my hobby to even know which kinds of corals/etc. I have in the tank. It is just depressing to go through losses and setbacks like this. I came home and got the water back in ship shape. It wasn't terrible when I got home, but the dosing had gotten it a little out of wack (still working to perfect my calibration). Otherwise, my acro, montis, and other corals are doing just fine. Just my favorite little buds (clam and RBTA) are either gone or appear to be on the way out. Just wanted to share with the group and shamelessly seek some sympathy...
I feel your pain. It seems whenever we leave our "mistress" (the tank) for too long, bad things happen. It's like having a part-time job that you can never take a vacation from.