Setting for Multicontroller 7095


Premium Member
Hi Roger -

Can you advise how the 7095 should be set to create random swirling conditions that replicate a reef crest environment? The 7095 instructions describe the settings to some extent but I'm hoping you might have additional recommendations based upon practical experience.

The tank is a large rectangle (4' wide x 3' tall x 3' deep) and in each of the rear corners there is a 6105 and a 6095. The 6105s are mounted just below the waterline while the 6095s are mounted a little less than halfway up the tank and are angled down towards the bottom. The intent of the mixed pump size is to provide greater turbulence in the top portion of the tank (where the SPS will reside) and calmer currents towards the bottom.

Right now the pumps are plugged into the 7095 with the 6105s on the two channel 1 outlets and the 6095s on the two channel 2 outlets. The controller pulse is set to "sequential" per the instructions in the guide and the interval is 1-60 seconds. The channel 1 min / max settings are 70% and 90% (roughly) while the channel 2 min max settings are 60% and 80%.

Does this setup sound about right or would you recommend something different? Ideally it would be great to have the pumps go off randomly to create swirling currents.

Thanks for the help!
With 4 pumps the closest would be sequential, the pumps will come on in series until all 4 are running and then shut down to just one. You will still set 2 pulse speeds and this will create some randomness as the pumps can start at either of the two speeds depending on the timing. I think the set up you have is the closest this controller offers.
Where can a person get a copy of the 7095 instructions, I misplaced mine and don't really remember what settings did what
