Setting the 9010 to draw in fresh air?


New member
I've been using the 9010 on my 65gal tank for a while now. I get about half a cup of gunk every couple days. Any less and I know its time to clean the skimmer. On to my question....Is there a way to setup this skimmer to draw in air from outside? I'm having PH issues (low PH, normal alk levels.) I think CO2 may be my issue and would like to try setting up the 9010 to draw air from outside my house.
There are two ways, the easy way is to connect a small air pump outside and pump air in through the small nipple on the side of the skimmer opposite the air adjustment screw, a Corallife Luft pump on the lowest setting would be ideal for this. The more involved method is to remove the air adjustment screw, thread a small plastic tube with 8mm thread and screw it into the hole of the air adjustment screw and plug the hole on the backside of this hole, under the cup. You then install an air valve in line on the hose to make your adjustments to air flow. The skimmer has to be very close to a window for this to work as the venturi might not take in enough air over a very long run. I would say 4ft max.