Setting up a 225

Daniel, this is the back of my tank showing the closed loop.
The larger pipe is the return and the smaller 1 inch pipe going to 8 spa eyelets on the back is the output. Kind of like a closed curcuit.

And here are a couple of pictures showing us putting it all together.


Very intricate looking. Boggles my brain :lol: I saw a thread with the cl under the tank. Is one better than the other?
Either way is good, just a matter of which one you desire. Looking back now, 4 years ago the vortech pumps weren't out. If I had to do it over again, I would just add 2 more vortechs to the back of my tank and forget the closed loop. Either way, the more water circulation, the better.
You should look at the Super Reef Octopus XP-3000 external skimmer, really nice performance and price aint't bad.

For lights I went full retro, it's cheaper and you can always upgrade easily, For the tank heigh you should go with 250w's bulbs.

For the internal flow, 2 MP40's are great solution.

Return pump, Reeflo Dart is also a great option, it delivers 3600 GPH.

Hope this helps. Hope to see your new tank up and running :)
Thanks for all the explaining bradleyj! Juan, thanks for the recommendations. I hope to have it up and running too! I'll show the empty tank when I get it lol
Very nice tank bradelyj! I like the amount of fish you have with your sps. Well done.

lol Dahenley from what I recall most everyone I talk to has or will have to replace their wetside of their Vortech pumps. Considering you bought 3 and the wetsides go for $70 a pop..that's $210 additional costs. I'll stick with the pumps I have. $20 here n there is nothing. MJ pumps last forever..never had a problem with them. Happy reefing!
So, in order to have the OM go off in different places, it would have to be connected to a controller of some sort right? I've never used a controller before, but am wanting to. My system now is very much a KISS system, but with this tank, I'd like to have some equipment to help me keep up with it.
So, in order to have the OM go off in different places, it would have to be connected to a controller of some sort right? I've never used a controller before, but am wanting to. My system now is very much a KISS system, but with this tank, I'd like to have some equipment to help me keep up with it.

no controller required.
inside the OM, there is a drum that water enters through the bottom, and as the drum inside turns, it directs water out of 1or 2 of the ports. the drum constantly turns and directs water out the side ports...
Very nice tank bradelyj! I like the amount of fish you have with your sps. Well done.

lol Dahenley from what I recall most everyone I talk to has or will have to replace their wetside of their Vortech pumps. Considering you bought 3 and the wetsides go for $70 a pop..that's $210 additional costs. I'll stick with the pumps I have. $20 here n there is nothing. MJ pumps last forever..never had a problem with them. Happy reefing!

the only thing that is in a wetside, is a pin with a bushing. most of the time, the bushing gets wore and starts to create drag. and can spin the wetside. all you need is a 10$ part and your ready to go.....

and i still have MJ's. :wave::wave:
they work good, just dont have the flow of a vortech. even the white impeller in the MJ mod doesnt have the flow. but the MJ does have some nasty noise if used on a wave maker, and has a nasty humming noise too. but if left alone and used like normal then they work fine.
Got my tank today, still needs a little work getting some scratches buffed out, but all in all I can't wait to get started with it! I'll have my pops finish building the stand while I work on buffing it out the rest of the way. If all goes well it'll be up and running in no time!
Well, it's been a slower progress then I thought it was going to be. Hopefully I'll get the stand done in a couple weeks so I can get this thing off the floor. I got a 125 for the sump, a 6' skimmer that's supposed to do 500 gallons of water, and a 1hp pump to run everything that needs to be ran. Here's what everything looks like.




