Setting up a hospital/Q tank, anyone want to give advice and sell equip for it...


New member
Well, I have an Ich outbreak. Multiple fish effected, I need to fallow the tank by setting up a hospital/quarantine tank. If anyone has some cheap stuff they want to sell to get me started on that, please let me know. I need the tank (I'm thinking 20G), HOB filter, not sure what else. Still researching. I want to set it up this weekend.

Also need a fish trap, dang it. God Im not looking forward to this. But, since IM getting ready to do my major tank upgrade (54G to 150G!) I want to get my self clean in advance.

Any recommendations or offers welcome.
Some people will tell you to leave the fish where they are. Let them recover in there tank. No stress of being caught and moved.

But for a QT tank you need a tank with blacked out sides. a heater a powerhead and some pvc pice for them to hide.
I've got a 20g high that I want to break down. There's an HOB filter, a Theo heater and a small SeaLife Systems protein skimmer if you want it. I'm not sure I want to part with it, but you're welcome to borrow it as long as you need. I'm going out of town next week and I don't want my wife to have to bother with it. LMK
I've got a hang on the back filter. one of the dual biowheels rated for like 55 gallons. I've got 2 but I use one on my 10 gallon qt tank. works perfect. I'll give ya this one if you want, would appreciate a little frag if ya got one though. need to buy new filter pads. I'll be free all weekend. give me a call 954 547 9878