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Hey everyone, I am going to get a 75g RR tank today, I plan on setting it up as a nice reef again. The tank has a built in overflow but none of the piping or plumbing. I guess I am going to have to make many trips to home depot getting everything I need. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers and help to minimize my trips and frustration? Do I need a bulkhead to go in the bottom of the overflow, then just attach the pvc piping to the sump. My current pump has clear flexible tubing on it, I don't think it can accept pvc. So should I get a fitting that connects the tubing to the pvc? Also for the return, it comes through the overflow I'm assuming like most tanks, but I'll need to get a special flex return spout? And is non toxic pvc glue ok to use from home depot? Thanks for the help! I'd love to know what you guys used and how you did everything, thanks.